The boy seemed worried despite Kitty's lazy and relaxed demeanor. It seemed as though even though [i]she[/i] was the target of a few questions, Theo was the one about to pass out from nerves. Poor thing was almost shaking... Kitty did seem a little tense as the assistant leader entered, but merely sat up with crossed legs and planted her chin in the palm of her hand. [color=pink]"Always with the mystery, this guy..."[/color] She muttered quietly, huffing a strand of pink hair out of her face. The eyebrows raised as one of the girl's pointed at her, and she immediately became defensive. [color=pink]"H-Hey, Lone, I put up a barrier to hide the fight from commoners! These people, saw through it, so it's not my fault..."[/color] She said quickly, most likely to save her own butt. Theo shifted his weight again, picking at his material clad arm and avoiding eye contact with everyone. [@Upset Delight][@Polaris North][@Loki Odinson][@Cuccoruler]