[@chayden13] My first complaint is that you seem to confuse what would otherwise prevent a major epidemic with a way to escape food shortages. In short, low population density would be more preventative in avoiding large-scale plague that it would in avoiding a food shortage. And people dying "in the hundreds" for lack of it would be low. And based on what I know about agriculture in the region there wouldn't be much to support large populations anyways, or probably not as you seem to be claiming initially. The only real "farmed" staple foods would be beef and potatoes, and good luck getting the former around without refrigeration. Hunting itself doesn't sustain large populations and is too inconsistent a food source for society that looks and acts like modern society. At best or worse, if hunting and foraging the wilderness for deer and berries is going to be the main food source besides lobsters in coastal Maine then your nation is probably going to look more like Native American society than a centralized constitutional monarchy. [@Pepperm1nts] I know we discussed it on Steam, but for everyone else could you add disclaimers about the tanks and choppers being short lived as they were?