[center][h2][color=cyan][b]Arden Taika[/b][/color][/h2][/center] Arden nodded and followed the assistant's instructions. He moved to where the two magic users were, the ones known as Kitty and Theo. He wasn't sure if they'd crossed paths before but they must have passed each other in the hallways in the past. Still, Arden didn't know the two personally so couldn't just strike up a conversation with them, could he? Besides, the room seemed to be dealing with something serious and he knew that it's best to keep his mouth shut in such situations. There were a few butterflies and moths however right by him. They flapped their insectile wings around Arden as they sort of flew over him protectively. However, they hadn't stayed by him like they usually would. Instead, they slowly gravitated towards the people lying by the beds. Something attracted the insects to them and they couldn't help but inspect the newcomers. Some flew above the boys' heads, some landed on their shoulder. It seemed the summoned creatures recognized the Niflheim, even if Arden their master didn't know about them.