Eric nodded to the woman. She went solo, which made sense because she came by herself. [color=f7941d]"I see... So, you finally want to join a group? It's hard living in these times by yourself. Trust me, I know."[/color] His eyes lit up, as if he weren't aware of the terrible world they lived, that he was still innocent and pure like a small child. That wasn't very true, though. At Peak's comment, the male laughed softly to ease the tension. [color=f7941d]"Let's not make any enemies just yet, Peak. We're all here for the same thing. I wouldn't suggest-"[/color] He was cut off as he heard a vehicle, tilting his head at the sound. Then, he car approached. He stepped back slightly. Out of all the entrances any of them made, the other man's had to be the most interesting. [color=f7941d]"Oh, hello there!"[/color] Not worried at all if the man could be a serial killer or a cannibal, he waved his arm towards him. He didn't really look excited; he looked like he wanted to assess the situation. [color=f7941d]"Are you here to join the Hunters, too? Also, if you don't mind, don't run is over."[/color] His voice was plain and relaxed, yet curiousity tinged his words. [@DriveEMOut][@Rawk][@oWhiteDiamondo]