[center][img]http://motherboard-images.vice.com/authors/no-id/1466783313259415.jpg?resize=300:*&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=90[/img] [color=A1A6AA][sub]S A R A B E R N H A R D T[/sub][/color][/center] [color=BABABA][sub]P R E L U D E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=A1A6AA]Sara has no memory of what her childhood was like before the Void. She first entered the Void when she was just starting to walk, and the traumatic experience threw her into such a state that if she had been older, she simply would have gone mad. As it was, the experience completely transformed the young girl, irrevocably tying her life to the Void. When Sara returned to our world, alone and not knowing who or where she was, she began to blindly use Void powers, broadcasting loudly that she was a Mystic. If she had been taken by the Division, it's likely that Laura would have become a Mystic serving the Division. As it was, cultists found her first, and hid the young Mystic. Since then, Laura has been raised among the cult of the Hidden God. The cult is based in the Bay Area, and Sara adopted the public persona of a happy-go-lucky young woman. Sara was involved in track and field at her public highschool, and had many loose friends through her childhood. But behind closed doors, Laura was an up and coming Mystic prodigy, rising in the ranks of her cult until she had become next in line to become a high priestess. Sara's incredible strength as a Mystic, her intense devotion to the Hidden God, and her willingness to do whatever it takes to advance the cause of the Church of the Hidden God, has earned her a modest reputation for herself as a deadly foe to cross. Laura is now enrolled as a college student at Cal Berkeley, intending to achieve a higher public standing, helping spread the influence of the Hidden God. Laura has met the Division several times in the Void, sometimes helping them on behalf of her order, and other times hunting and killing Division units. [/color][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]I D E O L O G Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=A1A6AA]Sara's personality is almost split into two harsh dichotemies. One is a bubbly, excited college student who likes to wear bright colors and is studying law with the stated desire to 'change the world.' And the other is cold, fierce disciple of a Void cult, having murdered nearly a dozen people in her time. Sara worships an entity in the Void that her cult refers to as 'The Hidden God.' The Hidden God purportedly communicates with the highest ranking members of the cult, who then direct the other members in their actions. [/color][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]A P P E A R A N C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=A1A6AA]A short young woman with lightly tanned skin, thick curly hair, and pale blue eyes. When in public, she dresses in loose flowing sundresses, paisley, and otherwise cheerful colors with strappy sandals. When she serves the Order, Sara pulls her hair into a tight bun, dresses in a dark navy padded motorcycle jacket, dark jeans, and sturdy shoes. [/color][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]W A R F A R E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=A1A6AA]piano wire garotte, machete, switchblade stiletto, sawed off shotgun, lighter. Sara's special Mystic ability is to summon fog that will rapidly expand, choking and obscuring. The fog will rapidly fill a closed room, and dissipates after several minutes. The furthest that Laura has spread the fog was a city block, though that took a solid hour. Occasionally, the fog that emerges from the Void is flammable, and when ignited erupts into flames, burning everything in the fog. Sara has developed a preternatural ability to navigate effortlessly through the fog, and is able to ambush and surprise anyone caught in the fog. [/color][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]T R I V I A[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=A1A6AA]Sara's name had been chosen and made up by her. Sara Bernhardt was a 19th century actress, and Sara adopted her name for her public life. Her contacts in the Void know her only as Sara. Sara plays track and field for Cal Berkeley. [/color][/indent]