[hider=The Bloody Blackmailer] [b]Name :[/b] [color=ed1c24]Westley Stride[/color] [b]Age :[/b] 23 years old [b]Gender :[/b] Male [b]Status (wealth) :[/b] Middle, but has connections with high-ranking aristocrats. [b]Appearance + Mask :[/b] Stride is a scruffy young man standing at a very slight bit lower than the average height for a man, and has bushy brown hair casting a shadow over his face, blocked currently by the mask he will be wearing, which is pictured below. He loves to flaunt around wearing his signature color of red and accenting it with a white scarf made from what appears to be the skins of multiple snakes. To any onlooker, he'd just pass as a paler-skinned caucasian male, but to any who care to get close enough to see his more subtle features would notice that his ears are slightly pointed at the tips. [hider=Suit] [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQlHoQzBHOFa0zQD5AmIYa85Wyxzist-Tw7c_1TRCVsKVMRb_R8[/img][/hider] [hider=Mask] [img]https://sites.create-cdn.net/siteimages/5/0/3/50308/27/4/2/2742945/398x397.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Any weapons to be brought in :[/b] He totes around a red cane, nothing special about it other than it being a cane, but it's his weapon of choice. [b]Job/Occupation :[/b] Blackmailer, Framer, Fixer, and Interior Decorator. He'll give you his card for one of those jobs. [b]Personality :[/b] Stride, on the surface, is a carefree and fun-loving guy. Sarcastic at heart, and quite the interesting man. If one was to look below the surface, they'd see the inner workings of a trained villain. This man will stop at nothing to bring out the inner pains within you if he needs to get answers, be it killing your family with a spoon or ruining your chances of never being a registered sex offender. Crossing paths with this man out of anger, greed, lust, or even sloth would end up with you in the middle of an alley with the imprint of a cane left on your cracked skull. [b]Backstory :[/b] Growing up in the slums of a poor city where racism ran wild, Stride was often a target for being a halfbreed, where his mother and father were of different races, and as such had a life of pain and torment. Despite this, Stride managed to get a foothold within his community as a small scale blackmailer and framer, starting out with smaller scale jobs and eventually escalating into his meeting with one of the aristocrats in a different city, named Yashar. Yashar had brutally murdered a man when Stride brought that man to him, and instead of threatening Stride with taking his life if he spoke about it, Yashar took Stride under his wing and helped mold him into the craftiest son-of-a-bitch you'll ever meet. Through Yashar, Stride escaped the poverty of the slums and made it to the middle-class of the city where Yashar had raised him, which was a nice change of pace. He later took up a criminal name to protect his identity if it ever was at stake, which was [color=ed1c24]the Bloody Blackmailer[/color]. Eventually, he was assigned by Yashar to attend a masquerade, where his skills of framing and blackmailing would come in handy as he needed to obtain some information from another official in the city. [b]Theme song (optional) :[/b] [url=https://youtu.be/oXtMKZjIM04][i]Le Bouquet Magique[/i][/url] (Ambient) [url=https://youtu.be/jkFNPm7e0A0][i]Battle! Team Skull Boss![/i][/url] (Working) [b]Any other info (optional) :[/b] He has a surprisingly large amount of messenger pigeons trained for him, and one can be called by a simple and unique bird call. A message being sent out from him would be marked by a red ribbon being tied around the leg of the bird. [/hider] Here's my application. Had to pull of a crime lord for this setting, seems like it's going to be a lot of fun.