Olivia awkwardly made air quotations, which was incredibly hard when you only had around 5% movement in one of your hands. "[color=a187be]Yeah, only a '[i]certain degree[/i]'; I'd [i]love[/i] to see what Wrath does with [i]full [/i]control,[/color]" she said sarcastically, her irritation dripping from her words. Of course, this didn't seem to please Wrath all too much; without a word, he took control of Olivia's right arm - the [i]good [/i]one - and forced her to grip her own hair and slam her head against the top of the chair that she leaned against before again releasing her. "[i][color=a187be]Jesus![/color][/i]" she wailed, rubbing the fast-forming egg on her forehead. Now that was just [i]mean.[/i] Olivia was relieved when Nathan silently offered to fill her glass - after the past few weeks, Olivia could [i]really[/i] use a drink. She passed her glass over to Nathan with a quiet "[color=a187be]thank you[/color]," before finally sitting down, exhausted. She sounded more like an exhausted middle-aged mother with a wine addiction than a single woman in her early 20s. Olivia had to raise a brow at the younger girl, who seemed a little... touchy. It was unfortunate that someone who looked as young as her suffered the same fate as the much older possessed around her. Olivia refrained from saying anything further, though, choosing to instead just focus on other, more important things. [i][color=ed1c24]Good, you're [b]finally[/b] leaning to shut up,[/color][/i] Wrath internally mocked.