[center][img]http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Nstar2/Other/emerald_avatar.png[/img][/center] [@PyroDash888][@Kaithas][@MULTI_MEDIA_MAN][@Forsythe][@floodtalon] Emerald's tail fluffed up a bit when she heard Diamond's scolding voice. She'd been hoping it would have taken longer for Diamond to find her. Her facial expression was like one of a child who had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. [color=1a7b30]"My...my mom?"[/color] Emerald almost rolled her eyes, her mom was about as gentle and softhearted as they could get. Diamond's threat wasn't scary to her at all. [color=1a7b30]"The worst she'd do is sent me a get well soon card with a lot of hearts on it."[/color] Her dad on the other hand well...she wasn't gonna think about that. Gren told her she should get some rest, and even Skyra said about the same as she poked her nose. Maybe...maybe it would be better to just go back with Diamond, she was feeling more than a little tired, all the walking she had done just to get to the hanger had been more exhausting than she wanted to admit. [color=1a7b30][i]Wait no![/i][/color] She didn't want to go back there, she [i]hated [/i]being stuck in there! All it did was remind her what had happened to her and her team. And...and she was afraid, afraid of a repeat of her latest nightmare. She used to love sleeping and having dreams, but now she was terrified of the idea. She looked at Diamond, her body a bit shaky as she steadied herself. She felt sick with dread and combining that with her weakened, dizzy body was making it difficult to even stand there. [sub][color=1a7b30]"I...I don't want to go back...please..."[/color][/sub] She said, barely audible as she found herself leaning against a wall. Her vision blurred as she found it more difficult to focus, her heart pumping loudly as she felt more and more panicked.