[@Gentlemanvaultboy][@Lmpkio][@SuddenSardines][@Bornlucky][@Aether Spawn][@Hostile][@Loki Odinson][@Hylozoist][@Fabricant451][@Bright_Ops][@DracoLunaris][@Argetlam350][@Etherean Fire][@Simple Unicycle] As usual, when something comes up, I always got to make an announcement about it. All right; so the first announcement is to let those new to the game know that they can reserve a second character if they plan on using one after the first mission. I also want to explain the rules that will be implemented for multiple characters. Just like any game, you can only play one at a time. So after the first mission, which hasn't happened yet, second characters will be unlocked and playable. You will only be able to choose one character to RP in a mission. You can't RP two at the same time. 1) It would be too many characters to keep track of, and 2) It would just be ridiculous and cluttered. You will have the option to have one character actively in a mission and the second playing in the sandbox. There's a whole open city to RP in. There will also be random GM events the GM will throw every once and awhile where characters can not only get XP but also Achievements. Second announcement, font colors. Some of you and it's not just one person, use terrible font colors. They are really bad for the eyes. We have a dark-gray background so using "dark colors" or even "hot/neon colors" is a bad idea. You should use colors that are not so dark or intense because it really strains the eyes. I shouldn't have to highlight your character's dialog just to be able to read it. That is ridiculous. So please be mindful and change it. If you don't know if it's a problem, I will gladly let you know. So far the people using bad fonts are: [@Simple Unicycle][@Loki Odinson](borderline)