Hello everyone. I'm going to keep this short, simple, and right to the point, for your convenience. ^^" [hider=Adhere by these RUUUUUURUUUUUUUUS!!! (Hehe...Geddit?)] -Communication is important. I like to bounce ideas with you and I also like to try and let you know if I'm going to disappear anytime soon. -If you are bored or do not want to RP anymore, please let me know. I won't hold it against you. -Please have patience with me. I do not expect you to be on the computer 24/7 ready to reply at any given notice. I have two jobs and other things going on in my life, so I may not be constantly online either. -Have fun! Feel free to throw in your own twists. -No Mary Sues or Gary Stus -I am comfortable playing females as my main roles, but I am good with doubling so that we play a male and female character. -I am not into mature topics. I usually like to keep things out of that territory. However, I am fine with swearing, mild violence, and the occasional comic mischief -I am okay with romance in the RP. How much you want in an RP depends on you, the future 1X1 RPer. -I like PM Rps, but I am fine with Forum RPs as well. No Skyping for me, thanks. [/hider] [hider=Additional notes] *This first post will be updated with any new RP ideas or fandoms that I would be most interested in. So, keep your eyes peeled.[/hider] Now, onto the fun stuff! The RP ideas and cravings... [hider=Journey to the West]For those who don't know, Journey to the West is the legend telling of the infamous Monkey King, Sun Wukong. This character is the trickster archetype that has inspired many works in anime and manga these days. I've been rereading the lore, and I would love to do an RP with this. Now, whether this would be an RP about the Monkey King dealing with being in the future, or if this would be an RP about someone from the present dealing with this journey, this is something we can discuss.[/hider] [hider=Drama and Intrigue with Youkai]In the world of Aeria, two countries were at war with each other. One was the country of humans, Aomori, and the other was the country of fae (though they prefer the term youkai. To them, fae is an insult,), Hounin. Both countries were governed by their Royal families, the two countries fought against each other for a thousand years, the youkai lived long enough to see the Human's rulers lust for revenge die out. After the thousandth year, just after the Human Country's Prince inherited the throne and became King, change started to ensue and set the story in motion. The new Human King had called the Youkai's Ruling Family, the Kitsune Family (a family of shapeshifting fox type youkai, known to the humans as tricksters), for a meeting and both families agreed on a Peace Treaty. The agreement of the Peace Treaty was that by having the Human King's only heir, his daughter, the Princess, marry the Kitsune Family's heir, the Kitsune Prince, all hostilities will end and the two countries will begin trade with each other. Everyone in the Human Kingdom, and some in the Youkai Kingdom (not all of the youkai are forgiving towards humans), were pleased to hear that the two Kingdoms agreed on a Peace Treaty...except for the Princess herself. The King tried to talk sense to his daughter, but she didn't seem to listen. The next morning however, the Princess had disappeared. She had selfishly run away in order to not be married to the Kitsune Prince. The King managed to convince the Kitsune Family to give them one year's time, but he never told them that the Princess ran away, instead he told them that the Princess needed time to prepare herself emotionally. The King had his knights search for the Princess everywhere in the Human Kingdom, but she was nowhere to be found. The knights however, did find a peasant girl named Kanaya who would be perfect to act as the stand-in. The knights took Kanaya to the King, and he pleaded the peasant girl to take his daughter's place. But the peasant girl disagreed because she felt that it was wrong, and she knew what the consequences would be if the Kitsune Family found out that she was an impostor. The King then bribed her with medicine for her ill little brother for when she came back from the Youkai Kingdom, and threatened her with death if she didn't comply, to which she reluctantly agreed, willing to do anything to help her family, even if it meant that she was going to die in the future. So the One Year Delay was spent with the search for the real Princess, with no results, and training Kanaya in the art of being a lady (but that proves to be a challenge, because the peasant girl is a tomboy and not a stranger to work). Our story takes place at the end of the One Year Delay, and with Kanaya's arrival into the Youkai Kingdom. (Kanaya X Kitsune Prince)[/hider] That is all for now. I shall post more ideas when they come up.