Darnies flinched as the stick hit his bad leg, moving his own cane to block the man's walking stick from hitting his body once more. "Uh, it's both glass and egg, man, good guess," He answered. "And if you just take three more steps forward, the door to the bar will be at your-" He paused as a man walked right passed them, through the window, and into the bar. "What the [i]actual fuck?[/i]" "DarnDarn!" Chasa hissed. She shook her head at him and stepped up to the man, gently touching his hand to imply that she was offering him her arm. "I can take you in, sir; I don't believe you'll want to go in through the window, so three steps forward and the door will be to your three o'clock," She explained, stepping forward as the man did and entering the bar with him, throwing one last remark over her shoulders. "Don't forget my groceries!" Darnies watched her disappear in the bar with the man, shrugging off the feeling of the man's hot energy. Obviously a Supernatural, something to do with fire, but Darnies wasn't going to waste his night trying to figure it out; his ability to feel people's energy wasn't exactly meant for precision, but he could definitely tell when someone was Supernatural and trying to hide it. He trudged his way out of the dingy alleyway that held the bar's entrance and took to the sidewalk. The grocery store wasn't too far away and it would be better for everyone if he did the shopping as soon as possible. Chasa was a gentle and kind soul, but she could pull off the passive aggressive Jewish guilt better than anyone he's ever known, including his own mother. As he turned the corner to the next street, he pulled up short to avoid the person turning the corner from the other side. And wait...was that? [i]'No shit.'[/i] he thought with a grin. "Pippa! How are you? How's the talisman?"