"Copy that Wizard. Hold position" Upton said as he resumed scanning the front of the base, looking for something to cause enough of a distraction to give Bravo time to move. The front of the base was eerily quiet. Both guard towers were unmanned, ditto for the gate checkpoint. In fact, JB could only see a single guard, leaning against the corner of the large building that dominated most of the base's interior, at least up on this end. [i]'Before anything else, we need visual confirmation'[/i] he thought, setting his sights on what appeared to be a large propane tank poked away around a far corner [i]'Not that they'd need it in this weather'[/i] "Sigma, scan those hostiles again, any of 'em stand out to you? Different ethnicity or maybe someone who looks like they're in charge? We need confirmation Primary Target or Targets are in the base before we even bother to engage. Over" ---- "Joker here, we're camped up about 60 meters back from the trail. The grunts stopped at an outpost, little more than a checkpoint you'd pass in the road... except there's no road anywhere around. We have a clear line to ghost them, advise. Over" He looked across at Viking and whispered to his squadmate. "Anything silent on ya? Left mine at home, gonna have to get up close with the knife if we get the order"