[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/7iJKKu5.png[/img] [color=FIREBRICK][b][h3]MALAKAUS FIREBELLY[/h3][/b][/color][/center] Malakaus chose to ignore Zin, keeping his focus on Vesta since he wanted her answer. She had a moment now, which was as good as it could get he suppose. They were busy people after all. [color=firebrick]"I seek your assistance in my quest to rid a village of the demon beasts that will soon attack them. I will leave today before nightfall to begin my trek to the village. If you wish to join me I shall be at the castle until it is time for me to leave or seeking out more recruits. Alternatively you may accompany me now if you wish. If you cannot partake in this quest I understand, but there is another matter more private I wish to speak to you of when we can be alone."[/color] Malakaus's voice was loud, even somewhat commanding, however he bowed his head after he finished speaking so that Vesta would understand that these are merely his requests, and she has the full choice of accepting or denying them. Looking over at Orgos briefly, Malakaus wondered what exactly did Orgos do that he could "tame" a human(oid) woman. If this was some horse or dog he'd understand, but him taming a living person sounded like some thinly veiled implication of slavery. But perhaps Orgos was just joking. Not really something that Malakaus would make any immediate comments about, though after his stint as a slave a few weeks before his arrival back to this city, the knight still had a sore spot about slavers. The similarities between beast tamers and slavers were more apparent to Malakaus not that he has been put to the lash in the past. [color=firebrick]"If you have anyone who you could recommend to accompany me, I would be more then glad to accept them from you."[/color] [@Spriggs27][@Lunarlors34][@Claw2k11] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/MR5RyzW.png[/img] [color=FORESTGREEN][b][h3]ATISHA ELUVIAN[/h3][/b][/color][/center] Atisha promptly ignored the madness of men after she retrieved her meals. The stranger who played his music (Alexander) was quickly assaulted by the masked horned figure from before (Olipher) after a somewhat familiar face (Aleph) made a loud declaration about his hatred of the song. Soon after Ease, the man who was trying to speak to her before, exploded into hysterics that Atisha dodged out of the way of. Soon a large drunkard was making his way in the general direction of Atisha and the elf she was going to have a meal with, before he was intercepted by a bald man (Duncan), who proceeded to have a fight with him. All this Atisha was aware of, and avoided to the best of her ability as she made a beeline back to the table, not even looking abck at the chaos in her wake. Arrive to the table Atisha placed the plates of food for herself, Blanc, and even Tundo. Sighing Atisha sat down and looked up at Blanc. [color=forestgreen]"... Sorry for taking so long. Now then, let's-"[/color] Just as Atisha was about to remove her mask to eat her meal, one of the humans who was accompanying the music playing fool (Sean) came over to apologize for drawing unwante3d attention. If it wasn't for the fact that Atisha was in front of another elf, she would have exploded right then and there, either stabbing Sean multiple times or blasting him with a wall of water. Instead Atisha simply looked at the human while still wearing her mask and speak in a subtle but threatening tone. [color=forestgreen]"You have done [i]enough[/i], human. Leave us to eat in peace."[/color] Unlike Malakaus, Atisha's words were commands. She didn't enter this tavern for the chaos, and in fact never wanted to be in this city in the first place. She was starting to question all the decisions that brought her to this point instead of some small village that needed her spear to defend them, or at least a roadside tavern where there were far fewer crazies conglomerating. [@Seirei No Hai][@PhoenixRising]