[center][h2][color=f49ac2][b]Quina Quen[/b][/color][/h2] [b]Level:[/b] 1 [b]Day/Time:[/b] Day 1, Evening, At The End Of A Foodfight. [b]Location:[/b] Tetris Castle Reception Hall [b]Interactions:[/b] Garrett [@Simple Unicycle], Ezio Auditore [@Loki Odinson] & Naija [@DracoLunaris] [B]Mentions:[/b] Amaterasu [@Gentlemanvaultboy] Edward Buck [@Aether Spawn], Guile [@Holy Soldier][/center] "[color=7ea7d8]Guess I'm late to the party, huh?[/color]" said the hooded man in the doorway. The word "[i]party[/i]" was enough for Garrett to draw Quina's interest. After all, as far as Quina was concerned, this was a party in her (or his) honour, and a good host ought to make an effort towards welcoming their guests. Even if, much like Friend Ezio, and Special Chef Naija, and Grey Man Edward, and the wolf, and... well, [i]everyone[/i] else, Quina couldn't recall ever inviting them. It was just one of those mysteries of life but, as far as Quina was concerned, life was riddled with inconsistencies that needn't be worried about. Even an inexplicable surprise party was a party. "[color=f49ac2]No, [i]no[/i], just in time,[/color]" Quina gestured to a spot on the floor with his (or her) free hand, near Naija and Ezio, while her (or his) other hand carefully balanced the plate full of chocolate pudding that Ezio had just handed over, "[color=f49ac2]soon will be play and hoping it is good and [i]oh[/i]! Is starting now![/color]" Quina fell silent, listening to Guile's little introductory speech about cleaning up before taking their seats to watch the performance and his backstory. Idly eating the chocolate pudding with his (or her?) hands while Guile performed, Quina considered what an ingenious step it was to make the usher a character in the performance. [i]Even[/i] if she (or he) wasn't entirely sure what the United States Hair Force [i]was[/i], Quina was confident it'd be explained later on if it was important to the story. Perhaps it was just a way of explaining the ridiculous haircut that Guile had. Either way, once Guile's speech and the chocolate pudding were finished, Quina clapped enthusiastically. So Quina began to clean herself (or himself) up, with the help of a long tongue. It was not an altogether pleasant sight. Quina engaged in wrestling with his (or her) own salmon-pink overcoat and blue bib to remove them and, having succeeded in beating the wayward clothes into some semblance of submission, Quina proceeded to lick them clean. A few licks later, both garments were mostly presentable, even if the pockets of the coat were still stuffed with bread-sticks and slices of cooked meat. There weren't, Quina considered, any rules against bringing food into the Council Room, was there? "[color=f49ac2]Need help cleaning,[/color]" Quina held up his, or her, [i]mostly[/i] clean overcoat and bib as an example of her, or his, cleaning prowess, "[color=f49ac2]Friend Ezio? Special Chef Naija?[/color]"