[center][@Gentlemanvaultboy][/center] Mark looked at V2 and laughed before he added, “Please, you honestly think you can hide your smell from me. Listen you hunk of junk: where I come from; we have robots that try and blend in with humanity. They’re disgusting thought of actually being equal to us is preposterous. They’re nothing more than our slaves. They’re only good for working and being dismantled. Which is where I come in.” a smile broke on Marks face again as he began to laugh. “They actually think they deserve to live because they claim to be A.I. but, when you get right down to it. If a robot wants equal rights, then you just destroy them and replace them with the next model. I hate them all, but more importantly: I hate the humans who think they can live peacefully with the robots. They disgust me even more. So breaking the robots in front of them is such a thrill. Then watching as they beg for their own lives is such a thrill,” Mark ranted before he sighed. He just stood there for several seconds before he suddenly charged at V2 and yelled, “So let’s get this over with! I’ve got more pressing matters to take care of!” [center]---[/center] [center][@SMS][@Ryteb Pymeroce][/center] Alice smiled as a ripple appeared under her. She looked down and smiled warmly; “You want to play too?” she quickly jumped back as a human sized fiddler crab crawled up from the ripple. Its two large claws quickly bungeed towards the hamster millipede and spider cat. Its claws clamped onto each creature and pulled it back before its cranium opened and a turtle shell shield appeared around the creatures and Alice. The spears hit the shield and it began to waver with each attack. The shield finally broke and the reaming spears rocketed towards the creatures. The fiddler crab suddenly convulsed as two leathery bat wings ripped from its back and wrapped around Alice. The spears hit the wings and the crab seemed to let out a scream of pain. Once the crab thought it was safe. The leathery wings unwrapped Alice. She seemed more excited then she had been when she first appeared as she joyfully said, “Oh what fun we’re having,” Alice looked towards the crab and tapped it on the head and added, “You can go home now.” The crab seemed to nod as it crawled back into another ripple. The Hamster millipede hissed before charging towards Ryteb as did the spider cat. “Alright, enough talk,” Zack said before he charged towards Ryteb. The hamster millipede and spider cat suddenly crawled into a ripple before they reached Ryteb. They then crawled out of another ripple and charged towards Mai. [center]---[/center] [center][@ShadowVentus][/center] The Elderly man reached into his pocket and pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and blew his nose before he apologized, “I’m very sorry you have to fight me in this state. I fear I’m coming down with a dreadful cold. When you get to my age, you seem to get the worst of it while the younger crowd just gets a sneezing fit.” “My goodness, where are my manors,” the elderly man said before he bowed and introduced himself, “I’m Damien, a Surge Guardian from the world of Chrono. I have been sent to kill you and your rag tag group and take the princess. So please don’t take this personally. I’m simply doing my job.” Damien stood back up and a few of his joints in his legs popped before he tapped his cane on the ground. It slowly started to fuse with his right hand and morph into a sword. From each side of the swords base were metal bat wings. “Let’s have a good fight,” Damien said as s small group of bats seemed to hover around his body.