The young woman was torn. Marcel was acting as if he didn’t have a care in the world, but she had no doubt that he had some sinister plan brewing in his head. Amelia never had a problem with her deliveries before, aside from those that could easily be proven to be someone else's mistake anyway. But in this case, he believed that this was entirely her fault. "For what it's worth, you can go through my stuff," she said, dumping her bag to the side on the dust-covered floor. “I have nothing to hide, and I’m sure others can tell you the same if you ask them. Besides, it’s not like I’d risk getting ratted out by giving away some bullets for a little bit of extra cash.” As she spoke, she maintained eye contact with Marcel to reassure him that she was being completely honest. Amelia then took a few steps forward to close the gap between the two of them. “Your supplier, [i]that[/i] is the person you need to go after. Never mind that he's probably ripped you off a couple of times before and it somehow slipped past you and your men." Amelia very well knew that her criticism of Marcel's crew would land her in even more hot water, but she wouldn't make such statement if she didn't fully stand by it.