[center]Star Wars: Scav’s[/center] [center][color=fff200][b]"It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Galactic Empire. In response an example was made out of the planet of Alderaan, revealing the Empire’s ultimate weapon; The DEATH STAR. Uncertainty, outrage and panic engulfs the galaxy as a notorious scavenging crew sees an opportunity for profit in these dire times…”[/b][/color][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/33/a1/03/33a103659dbce33d89633dfc40a7a390.jpg[/img][/center] [i]A GR-75 Transport comes into view while it is rounding an asteroid. Instead of a regular transport this GR-75 has a part of the lower hull removed to make room for a modest hangar bay from which a number of smaller spaceships set about towards a huge asteroid field. (In full Rogue One style text appears in the lower left corner of the screen: “The Graveyard (Remains of Alderaan), Core Worlds.”[/i] Hi, I was thinking of doing a game as a mercenary/scavenger crew operating from a heavily modified GR-75. Within there there is at least a quadjumper and a few smaller vessels of your choice (AKA your ships). The crew consist of a few scavengers and other mercenary crew that come in handy whenever the Empire or other scavengers are in the same area. As specialists in the higher risk asset relocation of the scavenging trade the recent destruction of Alderaan has drawn the crew in hopes of quick credits. I haven’t decided yet on the character sheet for this yet. One part of me is fond of giving you a simplified Edge of the Empire (EotE) roleplaying game sheet so that I can have some rolls here and there behind the scenes (the cool thing about it is that the dice are a narrative mechanic, rather than in D&D). Otherwise I would make a regular sheet. A core principle I do want to take from said roleplaying game is that, you can get some extra starting XP (or just character investment) by stating “obligations” you have. This might be the fact that your character sends a portion of the credits he or she earns to relatives, it might be a bounty on your head, a spice addiction or whatever, but they all follow the basic rule that they are not beneficial to your character, but hopefully beneficial to the roleplay you seek to gain. For an EotE game I was thinking of the following: [hider=Edge of the Empire steps:] [b]Step 1: Obligation:[/b] So for an extra point at step 2 or 3 points at step 2 you can describe a factor in your characters life that can catch up with him or her during the roleplay. This can be anything, from a spice addiction, to a criminal record to a family you have to support, or a bounty on your head. Make it something that ties in to your characters background, and make it something you might want to catch up with you. [b]Step 2:Characteristics[/b] Every character starts with the following stat line: Brawn:2 Agility:2 Intellect:2 Cunning:2 Willpower:2 Presence:2 You get 10 points to heighten these stats and can lower up to 1 stat to gain another 2 points to spend. Raising a skill costs the number of points of the rank, so raising from 2 to 3 is 3 points, from 3 to 4, 4 points, etc. raising from 2 to 4 thus costs 7 points. [b]Step 3: Skills[/b] after that you can spend another 10 points on skills, using the same cost system (any points leftover from the previous step can be spend here as well). There are the following skills: Astrogation (int) Athletics (br) Charm (pr) Coercion (will) Computers (int) Cool (pr) Coordination (ag) Deception (cun) Discipline (will) Leadership (pr) Mechanics (int) Medicine (int) Negotiation (pr) Perception (cun) Piloting (ag) Resilience (br) Skulduggery (cun) Stealth(ag) Streetwise (cun) Survival (cun) Vigilance (will) [b]Combat skills:[/b] Brawl (br) Gunnery (ag) Melee (br) Ranged light (ag) Ranged heavy (ag) [b]Knowledge (int):[/b] Core Worlds Outer Rim Lore Underworld Xenology After that we get the familiar character discription, history and so on, which I will make a character sheet for with enough interest. [/hider] Though the EotE would have no direct implications we can also just do a regular format with character description, skills, history etc. (which would also be included) So just let me know if you are interested and if so, if you are willing to make a EotE sheet or not, don’t worry about min/maxing, I only throw the dice for story twists!