[center]T A Y L O R[/center] Taylor yelped as he was being lifted up and dragged away. He tried to let go. "Woah, woah, wait.. - Wait. It's not 3017..- We passed year 2000 four years ago--" he exclaimed, looking back at the cylinder, or whatever this piece of scrap metal was. His ankle hurt, as he stared at this.. Amelia. "Maybe you're the one who's stoned." he exclaimed sharply. "We're in 2004, this isn't 3017--" Taylor looked around, and took a study on the girl in front of him. She was wearing a weird attire, different. A faint point in him, liked her attire. Leather jacket. He always wanted a leather jacket. "This is 2004, I live in London, I study technology, I- I-" he began. He was hyperventilating again. Quicker this time. The panic was still hanging around him as a second layer of skin. He began his mantra. Five planets, four sharp objects, three types of trees, two animals, one moon. At the end, his heart rate was slow and steady, but his mind went on overdrive. He had no idea where he was, and he had a thought that this Amelia might be right. This wasn't 2004, he knew that. This was apparently 3017, and he wasn't in London anymore. He was in what, Neotech? What kind of name was that anyways, he wondered, as he took another sharp breath and apologized. "I'm sorry..- I- I'm a mess-" [@ineffable]