[b]Hello and greetings!I'm [u]The Chameleon[/u], and as you can see I'm up for a Zombie Apocalypse RP, so then, let's get started shall we?...[/b] [img]http://i65.tinypic.com/28bcp3d.jpg[/img] This RP will be set in the summer of 2017 and the initial story will begin just roughly 6-8 hours after the outbreak begins. At the start there will be just 2 [b]main characters[/b], my partners' created character and my own created character that I will designate. As the story progresses additional main characters and secondary characters (whom will all be NPC's or AI's controlled by me) will appear. Kind of like in [b]The Walking Dead[/b] if you will, a fluctuation of detailed and well written characters who will be thrown into the mix with our heroes. Now, before I continue on, there are some guidelines, rules, and expectations I need to iron and hang out... [color=00aeef][b]MY STYLE OF RP'ing[/b][/color] My Roleplaying style can be stretched rather far. Meaning I can do anything from [b]standard casual[/b] to [b]highly advanced[/b]. Although on average I stick to [b]high casual[/b] or [b]low advanced[/b]. Because of this, I [b]only[/b] RP with fellow casual and advanced RP'ers. If you tend to only do free writing and-or have little to no experience in casual RP'ing or Advanced RP'ing then I'm afraid we probably won't work well together. So again, if your a skilled [b]casual, high casual, low advanced, and-or high advanced RP'er[/b], then feel free to post below and PM me! [color=00aeef]POSTING FREQUENCY AND AMOUNT OF ACTIVITY [/color] I myself am on here virtually every single day, unless something happens in RL and I'm forced to go offline for, say, a week, which actually just happened to me in fact. The thing is though, I alerted my RP partners to my situation, and gave them an expected return date and the backstory of why I would be offline for a week. So if something happens or comes up and you can't get on here for a while, please let me know, don't just leave me hanging and-or ditch me. As for my [b]posting frequency[/b], since I'm on here everyday, I can get up anywhere from 6-15 posts a day, it all just depends really. Even on a slow day I can get at least one up, unless of course RL circumstances dictate otherwise. Also, for a side note, I'm a college student and I'm out for Winter break until January 11th roughly, so for the next couple of weeks I'm going to have a lot of time on my hands, excluding Christmas Day of course, I won't be on here much then. [color=00aeef]COMMITMENT[/color] I'm a very committed and serious person, and not just with RP'ing. I believe in seeing something out all the way to the end, not just quitting and forgetting about it just because I'm bored with something. If your getting a little bored or burned out, just tell me and we can take a short break. Don't just ditch me and leave me hanging and disappointed. [b]I can't stand that.[/b] [color=00aeef]GAMEPLAY MECHANICS[/color] I like to do my 1x1 RP's like a video game. Basically, as [b]GM[/b], I'll control my own personalized character as well as all other NPC's and AI's. In this case it would be the Zombies, the other human characters, main and secondary alike, the military and the government and ect. However, I will be open to "loaning" or "handing over" original NPC's for my partner to control. I will also in many cases present my partner with multi-choice scenarios, be the good guy or bad guy, go left or right, ect and ect. [b]Now that all that has been cleared up, I can get on with the basic details of the RP. If your still here reading this after reading all that, and your still excited/interested/hyped, then great! [/b] [color=f7941d]SETTING IDEAS[/color](I'm up for any of the following locations.Its up to you to decide from the options below where we start and you can tell me when you PM me.) -New York City, New York -St.Louis, Missouri -Seattle, Washington -Denver, Colorado -Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [color=f7941d]PLOTLINE LIST[/color] I've came up with several plot settings and plot line ideas for us(my partner and I) to pick from. You can choose one below or you can suggest any ideas you have to me, don't worry I'm a very open person and I'm willing to listen :D [b]LIST[/b] -A husband and a wife. (I would be the husband and I would need a female partner for this.) -Two military helicopter pilots who crash their chopper. -Prison convicts whose transfer bus crashes during the outbreak and they all break free. Those are the only plot lines I can think of as of now, any suggestions are welcome to be heard! [color=fff200]THE ZOMBIES AND INFECTION[/color] I'll tell you all about the Zombies, infection, and the outbreak after you PM me, if of course your interested in partaking I mean. All the details I will divulge here is that they are not undead zombies like in [b]The Walking Dead[/b], but rather are viral infected zombies like in [b]World War Z[/b]. [b]Alright then, well, I'll be awaiting eagerly! :sun If your interested just PM me![/b]