[b][center]A M E L I A[/center][/b] Amelia listened to his weird accusations and sighed, dragging him across the alleyway as fast she could. She reached the door of her apartment and moved inside before she responded. "Technology? London? 2004? What are you?" She plopped him down on the couch and gave him a quick scan over. His physical appearance was fine. Nice face, nice hair, weird oldish style. Still cute. She checked his eyes, and sniffed his breath, her drunkenness fading away as she focused on the task at hand. He was fine. A small scent of liquor but not a lot. She pressed a hand over his pulse and observed the rate. Nothing out of the ordinary. He wasn't stoned. Weird. She walked to her bed which was pushed against one corner of the apartment and picked up her laptop, moving over to him with it. Pulling up several pictures of Neotech and tilting the laptop screen so he could see. Sneakily she pulled up another tab and quickly searched up 'London 2004' Her emerald, green eyes taking in as much information as possible. She was a bit drowsy now and yawned, stretching her hands up. She took off her leather jacket which she had donned before getting out of her apartment and wearing her athletic shorts and a loose T-shirt, she snuggled down next to the guy on the couch, pulling out several blankets and pillows she kept on the floor nearby and tossing one of each to him. She covered herself in the blanket and felt strangely comforted by her glowing laptop screen and the presence of a human being next to her. [@Riverbeak]