[u][center][h3]Kuhaku Shiro[/h3][/center][/u] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/x91rRmJ.png[/img][/center] [b]"I'm okay!"[/b] The world in his vision spun. Round and round endlessly making him feel queasy as he swore he heard the annoying twitter of circling birds flying overhead, though he couldn't see them. From just below the very border of his vision, he saw Sangue's face pop up offering her one and only hand to help him up after his little...'mishap'. Smiling, just about to reach for her offered hand to help himself up, Gren beat her to the punch and scooped him up. Like a kitten being grabbed by its scruff, Shiro's body stiffened until he was set back onto his feet. Blinking, he did a quick self check. Still had feeling in his toes. Still had feeling in his hands. He could see, hear, and smell everything okay. He didn't feel like he was going to immediately die and didn't sense any feeling of danger. So, he was okay. Smiling with ears twitching happily, he lived through another one of his 'moments'. Speaking of [i]smell[/i] Gren handed him a kebab of meat, to which he stared at for a moment before realizing that was what smelled so good. What was with Gren constantly cooking anyways? He could never understand his friend's obsession with it, but everyone had their hobbies so he just shrugged and bit into his gifted snack. As he ate, airship just off in the distance, he turned his attention to the others in the group and saw that quite a little crowd had gathered. Was it because of Gren's cooking or was everyone going to Forever Falls for different reasons? Nomming away, he saw a particular faunus girl that he knew a bit better than the rest. That...canine faunus. Sepia. She was apparently going around asking others for their birthdays for one reason or another. Hearing each of them list off the days and months they were born, Shiro's chewing slowed as his expression sobered up. ... [i]He didn't know his birthday[/i]. Truth be told, he hadn't known his birthday for as far as memory would allow. When he was discovered, found, rescued, whatever you want to call it. They just assumed his age or so he thought. Whenever he attempted to ask the adults responsible for overseeing him and the other orphans, they simply told him "You're [blank] age now." Without ever giving a specific year, month, or day. It made a few things difficult in his life, but for simplicity's sake, he always figured that whenever the new year rolled around that he had also aged a year. So, on all official documents with his personal information, he always put January 1st and counted back the years appropriately for his birth year. He could've been either much older or younger than he thought, but without any information, family, relatives to refer to, there was no telling. As with many things in his life, they were all lies, made up, or assumed. Information filled into blank, empty space to simply fill in a box on a form. So, he slowly turned away from Sepia and the others. Acting as if he hadn't heard the question posed to them all and looked up to see the airship coming and quickly finished off his kebab. Pulling his hood over his head and ears, Shiro slipped out his Scroll and resumed his work on the finer details of Sangue's future arm. Intent on staying as under the radar as he could all of a sudden, after his ...[i]energetic[/i] entrance.