The morning sun had risen over the hills bathing the fair Kingdom of Woodgrove in its radiant, warm glow. Nary a cloud dotted the endless blue sky. Birds chirped and meadowlarks sang hymns to greet the day with joy and vigor. The tiny village below the castle was already bustling, with farmers and ranchers out to tend to their gardens and livestock, merchants trading and selling their exotic wares from around the globe, and blacksmiths, seamstresses, and other artisans hard at work. In the castle grounds, the brave and valiant knights were at their daily training. Swords and armor clattered as the ladies in waiting watched from the balconies, swooning over the hansome soldiers. Serfs and wenches buzzed about the halls of the grand palace cleaning and dusting all of the furniture, portaits, and whatnot. The cooks were in the kitchen preparing a bountiful morning meal. And the Queen...why she too had graced the castle halls with her fair presence. Celaria paced the hall on this beautiful, sunlit morning, her regal gowns flowing behind her. Atop her head sat her tiara, golden with finely cut rubies emblazoning it. She strolled quietly and in thought down the corridor, her many servants and knights greeting her with a bow or a curtsey. [i]"Good morning, Your Majesty!"[/i] [i]"My Queen, hello!"[/i] [i]"May the gods bless you, O Queen of the Radiant Sun."[/i]