[center] He had seemed so damn sure of himself this time, hadn't he? The way he had met her gaze, speaking with that same conviction that was so difficult to find fault in, Clara had wanted to be swayed by him. She [i]wanted[/i] to believe him and be able to say with absolute sincerity that she could avoid anything Asmodeus might throw her way, but a the day, that certainty wasn't entirely there. She would try, absolutely she would try if it was worth it at the end of the day, and yet that fact still lingered between them. He promised that there would be no more lies and deception, but did that mean things would still be alright between them? Things couldn't quite go back to the way they were - where the most that happened between them was a good argument here or there, the usual banter, and an occasional night out. Now, she knew his secrets, and he knew her own weaknesses more than he had when he had first met her. There was a long moment of silence between them as Clara seemed to mull over everything before she had decided to speak. "Alright, Jaden..." She began with a small sigh, moving to fall back into her pillows before she glanced up to her ceiling. The sheets had been shifted and pulled around her more securely as she closed her eyes for a moment. She was still rather exhausted due to the evening's activities, and although feeding from Jaden had replenished her in a way, she still had felt worn. "We'll get passed it..." She murmured. It may take some time, she still wasn't terribly as certain as she would have liked to be, but she supposed she had to figure it out. She wasn't sure what Asmodeus could have wanted from her, and perhaps she would have to push aside that selfishness in order to appease Jaden, no matter how difficult it might be. At least she would [i]try[/i]... [/center]