((Collab between Double, Rex, and Letter Bee)) [b][i]Seth[/i][/b] The Nobody's grin never left him, even as he took a quick flash step back as the fighting once again resumed. There were three of them against four including Seth, which meant that someone was going to be the odd man out. Looked like that was Seth's role here, since Nails took on Drake, the quiet Man targeted Data-Ascot while the woman turned into an ape and went after Tocsax. Seth sighed, but then chuckled to himself. "Ignored again, eh?" he quipped sarcastically, letting his unsettlinng grin grow wider and his left eye's blue glow get brighter, "...Your funeral." these Surge Guardians were about to learn that leaving someone like Seth to his own devices was [i]not[/i] a wise decision. This left the Nobody free to do whatever he pleased, with no enemy interference to stop him. If no one was going to fight him [i]directly[/i] then they would just have to put up with him [i]indirectly[/i]. Having no more energy for magic, thus no way to utilize sand or Corridors of Darkness, Seth had to fall back onto another tactic of his. This tactic was to call in his entire freaking legion of Snipers to start opening fire on all three of the Surge Guardians. With them focusing their attack and defense on keeping their chosen opponents in check, they'd probably have a rather hard time of dealing with the literal dozens upon dozens of potshots coming from all directions. [b][i]Data-Ascot and Tocsax[/i][/b] Data-Ascot would launch a bolt of white lightning at Maze, before he saw the Snipers send out bolts towards the bounty hunter and his compatriots, giving him an idea. "New spell - Makerlight!" he would shout, causing Maze, Viper, and Nails to glow with a red light, a red light that would [i]attract[/i] the Snipers' bolts towards their bodies, giving said bolts a 'homing' function. Tocsax, meanwhile, would just try and blow a rushing Viper away with a point-blank Ultima Cannon. Maze flung his shovel to his left and when it connected with the ground he disappeared in a fizzle of sparks before he reappeared were his shovel had landed. He looked down at the red mark on him. He seemed not to react to the red mark as a door appeared behind him. He quickly jumped back into the door before it closed and fizzled into fog. Another door appeared and Maze jumped out just for the sniper bullets to loop around and follow him. Another door appeared on the ground and opened as Maze jumped into the door. The door closed and faded away. The bullets should have hit the ground were Maze was, but instead hovered in the air, waiting for Maze to reappear. The purple gorilla went to swung at Tocsax, but quickly jumped back as one of the Sniper bullets hit the ground in front of it. The gorilla looked at the red mark on its chest and grunted before it instantly glowed and disappeared. However, it simply didn’t just disappear, but change into another animal. A small purple house fly buzzed around as it dodged and waved the sniper bullets. However, the bullets would loop back and try to find purchase. No matter how good the fly dodged the bullets, they still looped around and attempted to hit the small, purple fly. Nails blocked another one of Drake’s attacks before he pushed him back and jumped back just as three sniper bullets hit the ground in front of him. Seven red circles appeared around Nails as bones spat out of the circles. The bones connected to one another and created seven werewolf skeletons. The bones were engulfed in flames as the wolves let out a bone chattering howl. The wolves jumped into the air and intercepted some of the sniper bullets that soared towards Nails. The bullets slammed into the wolves as they let out bone chattering wails of pain as the wolves disintegrated into ash. However, some of the sniper bullets shot past the ash and pierced into Nails body. Three pierced into his right arm, two into his left leg, and one pierced into his right eye blowing out part of his skull. Nails fell to the ground as Drake smiled and said, “Guess you lost your edge.” Nails suddenly sat up making Drake jump back. His wounds were shooting out flames as he started to stand up. “Shit,” Drake cursed as he turned to his friends and said, “That’s not the real Nails! It’s a Hell Clone.” “Took you long enough to figure it out,” the Nails Clone chuckled. “So you’re so weak you can’t face us man to man?” Drake said. The small fly glowed and changed back to Viper as she looked at the clone and ranted, “The hell! You send us into the fire, but not yourself! Selfish bastard!” Viper cartwheeled back as three sniper bullets slammed into the ground in front of her. She quickly glowed and morphed into a snake that slithered around avoiding the sniper bullets. “Calm yourself Viper, I have my reasons,” the Nails Clone said before a door appeared and Maze appeared next to Nails. The Sniper bullets waiting for Maze suddenly shot towards Maze and pierced into his body. The bullets went right through his body as sand started to pour out of Maze’s body. Nails sighed, “Alright Maze, we need to think this through. So do it.” Maze looked up at Nails and nodded before two doors appeared. Maze walked to the door and walked through the door as it closed and disappeared. The purple snake didn’t argue as it quickly slithered into the second door just before it closed and fazed into fog. The Nails clone looked at Drake and said “Looks like a tactical retreat is in order. However, I’d suggest you choose wisely on your next move.” “I’m not becoming another weapon,” Drake hissed. “If that’s your wish, then I can just find another vessel for it,” the Nails clone said before he added with a chuckle, “Maybe that merchant you hold so dear.” Drake gripped his Keyblade handle tightly as he suddenly disappeared as a large crackle of thunder roared in the air. Drake appeared behind the clone and sliced it in half. The Nails clone simply laughed as the two half’s of the clone disintegrated into ash. “We need to find the others,” Drake said as his Keyblade disappeared and he sheathed his sword before he added, “If these three are here, then the other Surge Guardians are here.” [b][i]Seth[/i][/b] It wasn't long before Seth's legion forced the Surge Guardians into a retreat. For once, the Nobody sighed with relief instead offering his usual laugh or chuckle, "Did we win? I think we just won..." he was honestly about to plop down on his posterier - right there on the spot - and start resting, but Drake was adamant about meeting back up with the others. It sounded exhausting. "Yo, Drake, buddy - we aren't exactly in a great spot ourselves here." he started to shrug, but then that gesture turned into him rotating his shoulders and rubbing them as if they were sore from heavy lifting, which they kind-of-sort-of were, "I'm not one to complain, but that Rapture Pill you gave me before is literally the only thing keeping me on my feet right now. Without it I'd have dropped some time ago and that magical girl hologram would have finished me off..." as if proving his point, his Snipers also began retreating en masse, as if they too were also exhausted. [b][i]Tocsax and Data-Ascot[/i][/b] "One shouldn't forget the Incubators," Tocsax said. "They're still a threat." [i]Indeed we are,[/i] from the ruins of the Incubators' labyrinth emerged several thousand more of the feline creatures, ready to move again. [i]But you and the other Keybladers have shown an ability to defy Entropy equal or greater than that of our Magical Girls and Witches. The Heat Death of the Universe will be much delayed by tapping into the energies of your weapons...[/i] [i]So we will let you go for now, and cease our attempts at interfering with the life of Madoka Kaname, though not our interventions on Earth, while we assess this new data...[/i] "Well," said Tocsax, "best not to look a gift horse in the mouth." "I'll be staying here, then," Data-Ascot said. "Someone has to guarantee that the Incubators won't stab us in the back. Plus, the fleet is still restoring its systems." Tocsax then looked at Seth, saying: "You did well. I think you deserve a rest." Drake quickly tensed when the Incubators appeared, however, as they spoke. He eased up and sighed when they disappeared. He looked towards Seth and agreed with Tocsax, “Yeah, you need a break from all the shit you did for use. Just relax while we get the others.” “Alright Tocsax, we should go find the others. If the other Surge Guardians are here then they’ll need backup. Especially if Panic found Mai or Cheese. They’ll be in deep shit,” Drake said before he summoned his Keyblade again and examined it. He then let it disappear and as he said, “Going to have to get used to a weapon just disappearing on me.” [@Double][@Arty Fox][@SMS][@Rex][@Ryteb Pymeroce][@ShadowVentus][@supertinyking]