Hello! Welcome to my search, and thank you for taking a look! I’ve posted a search here before, and since I got good results, (and now that life has calmed down a little) I decided to post one again! I’m on break now, which means I’m going to have a whole lot more time to for roleplaying. I don’t really have a nickname, so call me what you will. I’m female, 20, and have been roleplaying for oh.. 6 or 7 years now. Currently, due to some bad experiences, I only roleplay with females.. Sorry not sorry. Oh! I also ask that you’re 18+, for obvious reasons. Right now, I’m mostly looking for fandoms, however there are a few originals I’d be open to doing. Like everyone else, I do have a few rules, but I’ll try and keep them short and to the point. -3rd person, past tense, paragraph format. No script, and no one liners, please. Mistakes are okay, I make them just like everyone else does. As long as I can understand what you’re saying, I don’t have a problem. I’m not asking for ten paragraphs, either. At minimum, I write 2, more if the plot calls for it. -I do have a life out of the internet. I’m not asking for a reply every second in the hour, but I would like a few replies a week. Personally, I’m a daily replier, but even more if the plots really good. -I’m a canon x oc roleplayer, plain and simple. I play my oc and your love interest, and vice versa. Doubling is highly prefered, but it’s not required. -Throw anything at me. Plot with me. I’m open to pretty much all things, so chances are, I won’t turn your ideas down. I do like mature themes in my roleplays as well, and ask that you do too. Smut, dark themes, drugs, etc. I’m fine with. -I’m looking for a long-term roleplay. I cannot stress this enough. If you plan on dropping me right away, do not contact me. -Don’t just message me saying “what to rp?” because I won’t respond. Tell me about you, age, what you want to roleplay. Hell, if you’ve read all these tell me your favorite animal. -Any limits? Tell me about them. -plit roleplays are an option. [b]C R A V I N G S Blond is who I play. The more **, the more I’m craving. [/b] [b]Breaking Bad:[/b] Yooo, I just finished watching this show again, and I almost forgot how much I loved it. I’d love to do something with it! During the show or even after, I’m open for almost anything. Jesse Pinkman x [b]oc, your[/b] oc x anyone. [b]How To Get Away With Murder:[/b] I honestly love this show so much. I’ll probably always be craving this and always be down to roleplay it. I have not seen season three though, so please no spoilers! Wes Gibbins x [b]oc**[/b], Frank Delfino x[b] oc, your oc[/b] x anyone [b]Star Trek. (2009 reboot.):[/b] I recently watched these movies again, and I'd love to do something with it! Can take place during either movie, or before at the academy. I don't mind! James T. Kirk x [b]oc, anyone[/b] x your oc. [b]F A N D O M S Love interests are listed, if any. [/b] Criminal Minds. (Spencer Reid.)(Earlier seasons.) Supernatural. (Sam Winchester.)(Earlier seasons.) Doctor Who. (10th or 11th Doctor.) Gotham. (Jim Gordon. Jerome Valeska.)(I’ve only seen season one, watching two now.) X-files. (Fox Mulder.) Grey’s Anatomy. (Derek Sheppard.) American Horror Story. (Tate Langdon, Kit Walker.) Ghost Whisperer. (Jim Clancy.) Twilight Saga. (Edward Cullen.) Suicide Squad. (The Joker.) Literally anything horror. Something based off of Outlast? Silent Hill? Simple ghost haunting house? I’m your girl. Something Jeepers Creepers based? Yes please. Well, that’s all! I’m sure this list will be updated as more cravings come and go, but for now, this is it. If you’ve found something you like, please don't hesitate to message me! Email: Fandom427@gmail.com Skype: Letsgoforaride OR pm me here!