[h1][center]Gwendolyn[/center][/h1] Gwendolyn inwardly groaned at Beth's antics. How could the girl be so...so...eager to grovel at the Caretaker's feet? It was downright sickening. Geno's complaining had been a bit cringing, but it seems like the girl wasn't even hearing what the Caretaker was saying. Their whole purpose here was in question, only chosen because they had managed to hold onto memories, easily replaceable by any others that managed to keep some aspect of their past intact. What had happened to the ones called before? What was this Oracle going to require of them? Then suddenly, the small group came across a bright light. Her grey eyes instinctively closed to protect her sight, but then they blinked rapidly, trying to get use to the brightness. Finally, she started to perceive the contents of the area.