[hider] [b]Name:[/b] Cyano Conablum [b]Appearance:[/b] Cyano's appearance underwent a decent amount of change following her, and her factions, disappearance from the multiverse. Namely, while she retains her overall basics. Same hair, hair color, and the like, she now wears a heavy blue coat. She also looks a bit older, but not by much. But, clearly more age then what a few days would bring. [b]Personality:[/b] Cyano's personality has also undergone a change. While she still retains her cruelty, it's more subtle now. Hidden away to allow herself to seem more acceptable. There is less focus on instant gratification, and more focus put into her long term goals. However, those goals still remain the same as ever. Truly, this change makes her more dangerous then ever. [b]Abilities:[/b] Cyano retains her abilities in a way. All the old ones are still there. But during her time gone, she seemed to have learned new ones, focused more on the arcane as opposed to the scientific. Namely, Magic: Cyano, during the time she was gone stumbled upon a certain person in a certain somewhere. And, with their help, managed to get ahold on the powers of their universe. Namely, mana was grafted onto her. Providing boosts to all of her physical attributes, in strength, speed, endurance. As well as access to powerful skills. With hers focused around a red lightning known as hellstorm, which she can have arcing off of her, and the magic of illusion, the ability to change one's perception. Supposing they aren't more powerful then her. Specific skills are detailed below Teleportation: Through the Hellstorm magic, Cyano can teleport around, with a short cooldown in between. It has a minimum range, but it's far enough to make it annoying to deal with on any battlefield Stunning/slowing: The hellstorm magic, on principle of being lightning based, can strike down on an opponent, causing pain, and causing their muscles to spasm. This can often cause an opponent to move slowly, or in some cases outright stun them for a few seconds. Clone: Cyano can summon up a clone through the illusion magic. This can be seen regardless of strength. It is capable of fighting on it's own, and can hurt. Though it's strength is much weaker then Cyano's. That being said, it's also far more durable. Blind and Confusion: Through these, Cyano can blind an opponent momentarily, removing their ability to see. Or confuse them, disrupting their mental process, and leaving them unable to control their own movements for a few seconds. Confusion can also cause a headache. Camouflage: Through the illusion magic, Cyano can blend in with the environment by erasing herself from her opponents perception. This can be seen through though with a little bit of effort. Form imitation: For one hour, Cyano can take the shape of a target. She cannot fight while doing this. Strenuous activity will break the illusion. [b]Equipment:[/b] Cyano now finds herself with less equipment. Namely, everything mentioned below is what she has now. The last applications equipment section is not indicative of what she has now. Coat: A thick, blue coat. It seems to be of a more primitive design, from a not very technologically advanced culture. But, that look is decieving. Having magic coursing through it, it serves as decent protection to whatever could be found, and is self repairing. Furthermore, it has been upgraded, with a thin layer of Sabercloth having been sewed onto important areas on the outside, and having been grafted in entirely to the inside. Cyano's sword: Cyano dropped her sabercloth sword, and Arch revolver combo in favor of this. Given to her by the same person that helped her get magic, and the coat. It doesn't appear to be in it's original state. An almost spiritual glow surrounds it, and it appears to all be one solid piece. Almost as if the sword itself was a ghost, or something. Furthermore, it has the same hellstorm magic as her coursing through it, and is magically enforced to be unbreakable. [b]Origin:[/b] Rivard-Verse, enhanced by universe hopping. [b]Theme Song:[/b] optional [/hider] There you go.