[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/XGjPPvi.png[/img] [b][color=6ecff6]AND[/color][/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/VIASg7M.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/q8krdJe.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/h7AbHKq.jpg[/img][/center] Blanc turned around to meet the human, [color=8493ca]Sean[/color], who apparently was apologizing for his friend's obnoxious ranting about Elven Rights, Women's Rights and then suddenly blaring the music that wasn't even familiar to her, Tundo and her acquaintance in the first place. She had this cold frown on her pretty little face, her icy blue just staring into the windows of[color=8493ca] Sean's[/color] soul. This was the second time a "human" with strange origins and methods had showed up, it was as if she was experiencing another nightmare again with that meat shield of hers. Wherever he is, was beyond her. But Blanc knew if she saw him again, she needed that one bag of Appas. She was short on cash since yesterday cut her short to a horrible sight of dead bodies. She would've found work that day and if it weren't for that "Human" she would've already found lodging by her own. With a sigh, she turned back to [color=007236]Atisha[/color], who seemed to be a little bit hostile despite keeping her cool. She would smile at Atisha lightly, finding her subtle threat to be aiding her for once but she raised her hand as if saying she could handle this herself. [color=0072bc]"U-umm... it's okay miss. I-I'll handle this, you can join the conversation a-and speak out when you feel like it.[/color] She was stuttering quite a bit, still rather scared of the thought that she raised her hand at the armored elven woman, she might suddenly cut it off. Hopefully this wouldn't be the case. Tundo wasn't growling at [color=8493ca]Sean[/color] or at [color=007236]Atisha's[/color] sort of threat. He just stood beside his contracted mistress and nodded at her with a wolfish grin. [b][i][color=003471]"You need a little confidence to stop stuttering, but the response to her subtle threat was good at best. I will be here in case either gets the wrong idea.[/color][/i][/b] Hearing her spirit's response telepathically, she could feel safe and at ease. [i][b][color=0072bc]"Thank you Tundo. I'm sure our acquaintance meant no harm. Everyone has their reasons. I just hope this one isn't as worse as the meat shield.[/color][/b][/i] She would look over at Sean with a small smile before turning her body around completely to face him while sitting down. [color=0072bc]"That. Was a mediocre apology. No better than the boy I met just yesterday."[/color] She sounded pretty pissed and more confident at the human. Maybe because he didn't look intimidating? Who knows? All that [color=8493ca]Sean[/color] knows is. Blanc's not accepting the Peach Juice. [@ZekariVoblis] [@Lucius Cypher] [@Sir Lurksalot] [@Letter Bee] [@liferusher] [@PhoenixRising]