[center]T A Y L O R[/center] Taylor let out a sigh, before he eventually just let the laptop being taken away from him. His curiosity and stubbornness wanted him to snap the laptop back and research some more. He kept the impulse back, and went to look at the laptop, and stayed quiet when she spoke to him. He saw Amelia's fingers tap rapidly tapping over the keyboard, and he felt he had to pull his hands up in the air of awe. She typed quicker than him, and Taylor was pretty fast himself. A silence fell over them both, slightly awkward, but silence nonetheless. "Why are you helping me..?" Taylor asked, looking at her with a vulnerable gaze. There were absolute no reason for Amelia to help him; hell, they didn't even know each other! Taylor stated that as well. "We don't even know each other, but our names..-" he mumbled, and looked at the screen again to avoid eye contact. He was becoming restless. It felt to wrong, to be good. Who, in their sane minds, would take in a time travelling mess of a college student? Not only, help them out of where they landed, but also covering them with a roof and warmth? He looked at Amelia out of the corner of his eyes. Apparently she would. [@ineffable]