[color=00aeef][b][ Security Centre Complex 4th Floor | Security Command ] [ Deputy Chief of Security Jerrol Haas ][/b][/color] “Alright, let’s dial the aperture back a few degrees in Section 6 and make sure that the arc they’re following covers the entire corridor.” Deputy Haas pointed to various areas of the holo-grid layout for a specific section of the Ark, as a few SecCom personnel took notes regarding camera positioning and diagnostics. “The PTZ cams in that section have been a little finicky as of late and I’d hate for our eyes to be taken away from us. But it’s really nothing more than preventative maintenance at this point.” He switched off the projected schematic and the image reverted to the default “Ark Security” logo hovering and slowly rotating in the center of the holo-table. “So I’ll expect a full report within the next hour.” He concluded, as the [i]Dispatch and Communications[/i] Agents returned to their workstations with updated orders. Haas pulled up the pending messages on his datapad, one of which was a recent message addressed to Chief TreVayne from the ship’s Psychologist, Melanie Larson. Deputy Haas had been automatically forwarded any messages from the Chief’s inbox that were not marked “personal” in an effort to take care of any urgent matters, or simply filter out the non-urgent, during Gavon’s absence. Needless to say, there were several that required the Chief’s attention in such a short time span, particularly with the cybernetic female locked up in the brig, but the Deputy was given a soft “forty-eight hours” until the away team would return and so would need to shelf that particular subject until then. However, Doctor Larson’s secondary inquiry regarding one of the Sec Guards was intriguing, and when he had the chance, would contact her in order to discuss further. Continuing his rounds, he made his way to the far side of the room where [b]Natalie TreVayne[/b] was working with a two newer members of the SecCom team, going through the network security processes as well as evaluating their response times. She nodded to him in respect as he passed, and he returned the gesture with an added half-smile. Haas did his best to be as professional around her as possible, since on the one hand she was, in fact, the wife of his boss, and on the other, she was a respected colleague who took her job just as seriously as he did and would not tolerate such behavior otherwise. But the Deputy was still a man nonetheless, and an inter-office attraction to a woman who radiated not only strength and beauty, but confidence as well, drew his attention regardless of the environment. He finally smirked when he was out of her line of sight, definitely counting the Chief as one of the luckier men on the Ark. “Deputy Haas, Sir.” One of the Dispatchers called out as he approached their area. “ There seems to be some comm interference with a few Agent transmitters down in Section 3, should I relay to the S3 station Captain?” “Affirmative, and also place a service request with maintenance to get on that ASAP.” “Ten-four” [color=00aeef][b][ Office of Deputy CoS Jerrol Haas ][/b][/color] --------------------- [sub]collab with [@Xandrya][/sub] --------------------- Jerrol took a seat in the polycarbon constructed armchair situated behind the large desk made of essentially the same material, and let out a long-awaited breath of air, which carried with it hours of mental and physical exhaustion. His office was rather plain in decor, keeping most of it as uncluttered and unremarkable as possible as to not detract from his work, which was the polar opposite of his neighboring boss’s office. Haas simply felt it unnecessary to add any more complication to a life as structured as his own, and littering his office with mementos and images of a now-destroyed civilization just didn't fit into his lifestyle. He pulled up the earlier message from Doctor Larson, and re-read it before opening up a comm. “Noah, locate Doctor Melanie Larson and patch me through to her please.” “Doctor Larson is in the Medbay. Establishing a connection now, Deputy Haas.” After a few moments of data tones followed by a indicating "ring" that the call was going through, the line was picked up by the recipient. "Hello?" The woman answered rather unenthusiastically. She'd just been jolted out of a deep sleep by the call and was silently cursing whoever was on the other end of the line. "Doctor Larsen? This is Deputy Chief of Security Jerrol Haas contacting you regarding your recent message to Chief TreVayne. As he is currently on assignment off ship, I've been tasked with overseeing any ship's Security-related duties and noticed you had a concern regarding one of our Agents?" "Yes, Deputy Haas, thank you for contacting me." Melanie sat up on the bed, making herself comfortable. "There was an incident involving one of your agents in the interrogation room. After my session with the cyborg, she proceeded to demonstrate how dangerous she was while insisting that her release was a bad idea. During that time, said agent discharged a taser round aimed at the cyborg. Unfortunately, the round ricocheted off of her and hit me, making me lose consciousness after a few seconds.” Melanie paused for a moment to find the right words. “I understand that agents have certain duties to fulfill, Deputy Haas, but Ms. Yama-uchi wasn’t necessarily threatening the lives of the individuals in that room, and I believe that the conflict could have been resolved through less violent methods.” "Yes ma'am, I was made aware of the incident within interrogation and offer our sincerest apologies as this is not typical protocol in such cases. However, with the unpredictable nature of the cyborg and the obvious display of Ms. Yama-uchi's...[i]weaponry[/i], it was not an unusual reaction to possible hostility. That being said, a standard issue shock baton would have been a less volatile means of subduing given the smaller enclosure..." Jerrol paused for a moment in an effort to not come off as though he were wholly defending the young Agent's actions. "The guard in question is on suspension and his case is being handled by Warden Harrisen where he will be re-evaluated and re-trained on Standard Operating Procedures to ensure preparedness when released back to active duty." The Deputy cracked a smile at that moment, realizing he'd almost forgotten to be a gentleman. "But eh, more importantly Doctor, how are you feeling? Have the medical facilities been helpful in your recovery?" "I'm feeling okay, I suppose. I mean, I've only been awake for maybe 20 minutes since being here, but they've done their best to keep me"-[i]beep[/i]-"um...comfortable." Melanie looked down at the notification. It was a message from Jonas confirming their date later that evening. With everything that had happened, she had completely forgotten about it. "But I'm glad that the agent has been suspended from duty pending an evaluation. Not just due to what happened to me, but also to help prevent future incidents. I'm curious, what's Ms. Yama-uchi's status?" "Her status hasn't changed much frankly. She is, for the most part, sitting quietly in her cell as we speak." He paused for a moment before continuing. "Is there anything more that you may need to tell us about her 'status', Doctor?" “No, nothing further. What’s left is for Chief TreVayne and myself to have a meeting to discuss our next steps. And speaking of that, when is he due to be back? I want to make sure I don’t have any conflicts so that we’re able to take care of this as soon as possible.” "I was given a timeframe of 'fourty-eight to 'seventy-two' hours before the away team would return, not counting the debriefing period upon their arrival. So at the very least, it'll be about that long." “Oh, alright. I guess we have no choice but to wait.” Melanie was a bit annoyed at the fact that no one had mentioned this little mission to her. She couldn’t help but feel bad for Chizuru, as odd as that sounded. “But thank you for the phone call, Deputy Haas. I hope to be out of here sometime this evening as recovery has been easy for me.” "I'm glad to hear that, Ms. Larsen. Good day to you ma'am." An acknowledging [i]"mhm"[/i] could be heard on the other end before disconnection, as Jerrol sat back in his chair thinking about the call and wondering what the final verdict would be with regard to their distinguished guest in the brig. He personally held no grudge against the cyborg, but also realized that her previous actions and background were still a cause for concern and he would be on board with whatever decision was made in the matter. He glanced over at the time on the wall and realized he was slightly behind his own scheduled tasks, many of which were routine inspections that needed to be delegated specified personnel. "Noah, pull up the daily reports for today."