Interactions: [@Loki Odinson][@BubbleGumKing] Leon sat there and folded his hands together and breathed out before looking up at the ceiling. All in all this would be an interesting stipulation at the very least it meant weaker servants could team up. If not for weaker servants possibly teaming up this would mean much destructive battles. That would mean more possible by standards would be killed during the war. It wasn't a pretty thought to think about but it was inevitable as people always died in the war from what his father had informed him about. But the thought of losing Saber, Satsuko, his family....that was too much for even him. But in thinking about he finally managed to come to a conclusion about the situation at hand. [color=39b54a]"Don't you see Miss? It's a chance to lessen the blood shed. I'm not some meek child who came into this war thinking everyone would survive. But even I had my reservations about whole sale slaughter. Remember the rules of the war. Innocent by-standards who aren't magi and somehow see the war are to be killed immediately. This gives the chance for people who don't want more death to work together legally and without restraint. The hope for a wish is still there for master, and servant. Even in wars friendship has prospered even for brief moments. People could get together and fight with each other in exchange for a lesser wish. However it also comes with the clause of: 'how much do I trust my allies' any moment could lead to others killing their 'friends'."[/color] Leon said softly as he stared up at the ceiling wondering just how exactly this would go down. More over he was aware of him sounding much more like a hippy than he'd like. Togami nodded simply and looked up at the assembled group, [color=0054a6]"Indeed this is quite the conundrum that has found itself on our laps. Those who do not seek allies will be at quite the disadvantage. However it would be moronic to trust anyone, including those in this room right now, and just accept that they won't hurt you. This game just got a whole lot more intriguing than I'd imagined it would be when I arrived. It's now a game of knives, and words. Anyone can fight but can you work together is the question presented to us. I don't see assassin working well with others, and I wouldn't trust Caster with a plastic cup of fresh water. As it stands it may be necessary to team up with one another. However I'm not sure if all of you are quite up to par with my own expectations. To be quite honest you shouldn't look at me any other way as well. I'll be sure to keep an eye on everyone for the foreseeable future."[/color] Togami said with a professional tone as he straightened his suit's tie. His cold eyes looked around, and gave no emotion away. Father Walter remained silent. [b]"This will indeed be 'pain' if you would. My own lord, bless him, would probably seek to ally with most of you however I will make sure he knows otherwise would be a foolish endeavor. I too will be sure to keep an eye on everyone assembled."[/b] Takumi said with a stiff nod.