[center][h1] Gabriel Corbec [/h1][/center] Gabriel couldn't help but grimace as his fellows started arguing. The campaign had even started and already the bickering had begun. Gabriel was a bit used to this from the Imperium of old, but had hoped that it would not trouble this Imperium for awhile at least. Though as in the Imperium of old he kept his head down and kept out of it, the Imperial Guard existed to serve not to cause more problems. As the smaller Xeno, K'vari he thought it was, stepped forward Gabriel looked at him with some interest hoping he wasn't going to continue the bickering that several others had fallen into. As he snapped his fingers Gabriel could only look at him with curiosity wondering what he was doing. At least until the alarms started blaring. As he stood wiht his hand on his sword he started listening to the reports coming in as he glared at the Xeno. Though as the reports started coming in, Gabriel couldn't help but sit back down in shock. A stealth ship. WHile Gabriel was no Imperial Navy captain even he understood the signficance of that. Though he couldn't help but also wonder what K'vari would charge for this. Gabriel was still in deep thought as Gregori walked around and snapped out of it once the hologram of the Forge Moon popped up. Instantly Gabriel's mind started racing about what he could afford to bring to take it. As he put more and more thought into it he couldn't help but scowl as it didn't seem like this would be at all easy. Though as he thought he made sure to tell one of his Kasrkins to send a message to his commanders to start preparing the men for urban combat. As Ritske spoke up he started factoring a mercenary band thrown in before discard that idea when she mentioned the killing of noncombatants. In this case those noncombatants were as important as the world itself. As he put more thought into it he was dimly aware of Gregori dismissing the rest of the council but telling him and the inquisitors to stay. Though he snapped out of it when the Astartes approached him. [color=1a7b30]"Do not worry Captain Lattore I will make good use of you and your men."[/color] Gabriel then turned to Gregori, [color=1a7b30]"My Emperor I would like to request all the information that you have on the system the Forge Moon resides in. I would like to know everything that we know before I start planning this."[/color]