[@JunkMail] Here ya go. [hider=Andrew “Archie” Davis][center][h1]Andrew “Archie” Davis[/h1][hr] [center][i]Working image, will be replaced [/i][/center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/yuWugRR.png?1[/img] [hr] [h3][b]⫸ B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷[/b][/h3][/center] [center][h3][b]⫸ A P P E A R A N C E ⫷[/b][/h3][/center] [indent] [b]▼ | S T A T S : |[/b] [indent][indent] [b]▸ B I R T H N A M E : | [/b] Andrew Malcolm Davis [b]▸ N I C K N A M E / A L I A S : |[/b] Archie [b]▸ G E N D E R : | [/b] Male [b]▸ A G E : |[/b] 25 [b]▸ H E I G H T : |[/b] 5’7. [b]▸ W E I G H T : |[/b] 145 lbs [b]▸ E T H N I C I T Y : |[/b] Caucasian American [b]▸ Y E A R : |[/b] Fifth year, power training completed, now full resident [/indent][/indent] ▼ [b]| P H Y S I C A L D E S C R I P T I O N : |[/b] [indent]Archie is a strange sort in term of appearance. When his powers manifested, they altered his physical form greatly. The process turned his skin a faint yellow, and most of his head into a luminous, floating yellow liquid, not unlike a lava lamp. How his cranial organs function remains a mystery to this day, but he is still very much capable of most basic human actions - eating, seeing, drinking, hearing, smelling, and even speaking. Other than all that, he is relatively normal build-wise. No muscle tone, no excess weight, etc. But he still covers up his entire body with jeans, turtlenecks, blazers, and a different mask just about everyday [i]not because[/i] he is shamed by his natural appearance, but because he loves the one he’s made for himself so much.[/indent] [/indent] [center][h3][b]⫸ P S Y C H O L O G Y ⫷[/b][/h3][/center] [indent] [b]▼ | P E R S O N A L I T Y : | [/b] [indent]Archie can be summed up pretty well by the word ‘eccentric’. He is almost always active, plotting something, setting up something else, you name it. In his interactions with others, it has been noted that his vocabulary has a tendency to shift from perfectly coherent to outright nonsense from time to time. Most aboard the Promise will say he has a great sense of humor, and is damn near impossible to anger. He is a man who isn't averse towards enterprise, philanthropy, and even the occasional wager. Arguably, his greatest trait is his sense of showmanship, as no undertaking of his could ever be described as half-assed, which is predominantly the reason why he’s made such a name for himself aboard the Promise. He is a friend to all who simply ask him to be, and is never one to back down from a challenge or promise.[/indent] [b]▼ | B A C K S T O R Y : | [/b] [indent]Andrew Davis was born on July 15, 2058, in San Francisco, California. His life before his ascension to the Promise is perhaps as average as most in the same position, perhaps even more so. His powers manifested at the age of eighteen, but before that, he was a perfectly normal human child. Perhaps a bit of a recluse, actually. [i]After[/i] he became what he is now, however, he tore down his old persona and constructed a new one for himself altogether. A wannabe architect, entrepreneur, and all-around well-known fun guy, wrapped in a bow that was the name “Archie”. Even before he was taken up to Promise, he had two years to figure out his powers - and by the time he was on his way up, he had it all figured out. When they tested Archie for what level of inhibition should be placed on his powers, in a rather rare occurrence, they decided on none at all. He was free to build up whatever he wanted in his own little pocket dimensions. He breezed through his power training, and even made good relations with most of the faculty before all four years were up. To that end, he was invited to stay aboard the Promise to continue running the businesses he had established there - the several ‘challenge arenas’ as he calls them, and the Apothic nightclub which he has poured his heart and soul into.[/indent][/indent] [center][h3][b]⫸ P O W E R I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷[/b][/h3][/center] [indent] [b]▼ | P O W E R C L A S S I F I C A T I O N : | [/b] [indent]Other[/indent] [b]▼ | P O W E R D E S C R I P T I O N : | [/b] [indent]Archie’s power is, by far, one of the most unique recorded among metahumans. ‘Localized geometry manipulation’, as it has been officially labeled, is Archie’s ability to create entire [i]worlds[/i] within something as small and insignificant as a burlap sack. How it works follows as thus - his head is the ‘focal point’, where when he is placed within an enclosed environment, he can alter its metaphysical properties to nigh limitless potential, without affecting its exterior. A single room can become a building, a duffle bag increased in size by a thousand fold, and much more. Archie works with many materials, both solid and otherwise. Under his influence, he can multiply, expand, and carve literally anything out of any material he is given, so long as it remains within its respective pocket dimension. A block of cement can become an entire city. A drop of water can become an ocean. And beyond that, perhaps the pinnacle of Archie’s powers, is his ability to bestow [i]sentience[/i] on any construct of his desire. It is not uncommon to see humans made of glass or gigantic creatures made of obsidian wandering within his dimensions, completely under his control.[/indent] [b]▼ | L I M I T S | W E A K N E S S E S : | [/b] [indent]Archie’s powers do not work in open environments. Everything he does is restricted to the enclosures he carries his actions out within, and only when no external changes have been made to the enclosure’s composition. If he takes a sack, and turns the interior of it into a massive environment, then ripping a hole in it from the outside will undo everything, and he’ll have to start over. If he takes any material and expands it in a dimension, then from that point onward, it is only capable of existing [i]in[/i] that dimension. A chunk from the mountain of gold cannot be carried back outside, as it will simply vanish into nothingness at the door. In his worlds, he is all-powerful - but in the real world, he is no more capable than the average human being.[/indent] [/indent] [center][h3][b]⫸ O T H E R ⫷[/b][/h3][/center] [indent]Archie is a goddamn [i]master[/i] on the dance floor, and he is not afraid to prove it.[/indent][/hider]