[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmMzNTcyMi5UV0ZrWld4cGJtVWdRM0oxZUEsLC4w/brief-moment-between.regular.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/r7EggEQ.png[/img][/center] [hr][sub][@Ellion][@Noxx][@Rune_Alchemist][@13org][/sub] Madeline Crux stood over the corpse of a headless wolf, a splash of crimson gore on her face and shallow claw marks down her leather jerkin. The creature had attacked on her trek back through the woods to Seren’s Folly after a rather unsuccessful day of hunting. She mused that the animal must have been starving, considering most wolves avoided human interacting unless there was no other food to be found. At the very least, she had this wolf’s head to show as a trophy though, so her journey hadn’t been entirely fruitless. A single wolf wasn’t worth gloating about, but she was certain she’d be able to spin a tale about how this particular one had been possessed by a demon or something. Now that would be something for the town to talk about, right?! As the redheaded woman knelt to pick up her new souvenir, a shout reverberated throughout the forest. Madeline’s interest was piqued, and a coy smile spread on her face. Finally! Some really action! A maiden in trouble, no doubt, and conveniently close too. This would be a grand start to her epic tale, one that would be known for generations! Forgetting about the wolf’s head, Madeline began gallivanting towards the source of the noise with a whimsical spring in her step and a certain giddiness in her chest. It didn’t take the aspiring champion long to rush from the woodwork and into the strange scenario. A man was brandishing his sword at not just [i]one[/i], but two girls, it looked like. Madeline had yet to recognize the threat that hung in the trees, too focused on the man and his presumably foul intentions. [color=#ffba00]“Oh, big man, we’ve got here! Gotta take your delights by force, yeah?”[/color] the woman taunted the dark haired warrior, drawing her own axe and shield to challenge him. Stepping between the girls and himself, Madeline was all prepared for a fight. She obviously didn’t know the context of anything going on, nor did it seem to matter to her. [color=#ffba00]“Don’t worry, girls, Madeline Crux, most revered of the Hunters, is here to save the day! This swine will taste the steel of my axe!”[/color] she arrogantly spoke, striking a heroic pose to be remembered.