[@Ellion] You're still welcome, so no problem. Just be aware that I might be making an update to the CS formula soon. To be specific, the way music is posted into the thread might change. It's becoming apparent to me that every additional YouTube video that's attached into a post or thread causes it to start loading slower, and also makes my browser more susceptible to breaking down on me. I'm already losing a lot of important work due to regular PC crashes and browser crashes, so I might have to get everyone to change all YouTube video attachments into clickable links if there's no way to solve this problem. This'll not only include the ones in the character tab, but also the versions that they posted to get accepted. Frankly, with just the couple of videos we've got up so far, my PC's broken down a few times just from opening this thread and I'm losing more work. I plan to make liberal use of music for this role-play, so I'd prefer to have a more reliable way of implementing it and to be perfectly honest I think it's more reliable for people to just open up a link in another tab to the song instead of risk my browser exploding every damn time I open this thread. Edit: I'm also considering returning the 'Trivia' category back to the original 'Notes' category, since a lot of the information we're listing in that section isn't really irrelevant enough to be considered trivial.