[@Cruallassar][@Marayla] Upon getting the allowed nod, Crimson immediately entered the Admiral's mind, in time to hear the "verbal" permission being given. [i][color=FireBrick]Raven's pulling what information he can. The tan colored skeletal droids we've seen so far all seem to be a mass production model, easily downed if it comes to fighting. Cinder and I think they're keeping any special units in reserve out of sight. Cinder did a sweep of one of the Neimoidian's minds, this Dooku guy has been keeping some kind of secret. That metal cylinder we saw him carrying is an energy blade of some kind. Like a psi blade of sorts. And there's also his abilities. He didn't feel Psionic, but Cinder saw memories of him doing some rather...intense things that Psionics can't do back home. I mean, this whole thing...Admiral, what in the hell did we get into?[/color][/i]