[color=9e0b0f][center][h2]Emmerich Jaeger[/h2][/center] [/color] Interacting With:[@Bright_Ops] [@WeepingLiberty] [@Deos Morran] [@shagranoz] [@everyone inside and just outside the tavern] [color=9e0b0f]"Danke schön." [/color]Emmerich said, taking the glass of scotch and giving it a small sip. Many... rather unique persons arrived in the short span of time that took for Emmerich to get his drink. The elegant man said he was called Lusius. Interesting man, he seemed to be a rather friendly person. When Emmerich was about to reply, another arrival came, this time talking with Lusius. A rather strange, tall masked man. He walked and talked like someone who had seen and done many things in this world. Someone that certainly deserved to be respected. Apparently they knew each other for a long time. [i][color=9e0b0f]"Apparently, Seren's Folly is home to some very... unique and interestink people. Maybe I von't even shtand out too much here."[/color][/i] Emmerich thought to himself when he saw a man and a woman entering the tavern. The man was accompanied by a red hawk and the woman was accompanied to a big, black wolf, which she left outside the tavern. The man seemed to be more friendly and open, but the woman caught his attention. Quiet, she entered the tavern without speaking anything, only giving a small nod and going to the job board. [color=9e0b0f]"Emmerich Jaeger. Its a pleasure to meet you all."[/color] he said looking to the new arrivals on the bar. [color=9e0b0f]"Nosing too exciting, Herr Lusius." [/color]he said, sliding the note on the table. [color=9e0b0f]"Somesing about strange noises and sigsings on zee woods. Zee revard is... decent, but not zat much to be anising dangerous." [/color] he said. [color=9e0b0f]"I vouldn't care if you did Herr...?" [/color]He said to the masked man.[color=9e0b0f] "[i]Isn't he goink to take out his mask? Interestink...[/i]"[/color] Emmerich thought, looking curiously to the masked man, waiting for his name. "[color=goldenrod]Indeed there is, but somethings are better left seared into your mind's eye. Best not to forget the monsters that give chase, lest they catch up with you. Wouldn't you agree, Mr...?[/color]" Turning his head to search for the owner of that voice , his eyes met with a confident and sly man. His voice, every move he did passed the impression that it was carefully planned. [color=9e0b0f]"Zat is a very smart advice." he said looking to the man. "But some times, zee most bloodsirsty and cruel monster zere is, is inside yourself..."[/color] Emmerich said that with enigmatic eyes. [color=9e0b0f]"Vell, I guess zat having a dinner wis some new faces vouldnt hurt now, vould it?"[/color] He said with a smile. [color=9e0b0f]"Lets just hope zat it doesn't happen again... I don't sink I vould be able to hold him off again..."[/color] he mumbled to himself. [color=9e0b0f]"Vould you bring me some food too Herr...? It vould be rude to not accompany zese fine gentlemen in a dinner after an invitation."[/color] He said to the sly man, discreetly asking his name. [color=9e0b0f]"Any food vould do. Preferably some very rare meat."[/color] he said with a smile, resting his big crossbow near his chair. Suddenly he heard a deep, guttural howling. It was from the big wolf outside. The woman got outside, probably to see why her wolf was howling. Inside the tavern though, something else was happening... Without realizing, Emmerich began spinning his rapier-cane on his hands again, passing his fingers through its sickly white edge, making a very low, but distinct sound as he did so. As the wolf howled, the sound of his rapier began to get louder, as he passed his fingers through it more vigorously. His eyes began to change. A subtle change in his eyes and posture hinted that something wasn't right. Suddenly, the sharp sound coming from the blade stopped, as a single drop of blood ran across the blade's edge, reflecting the light in a nightmarish way. A discreet grin appeared on Emmerich's face, as he lowered his head and started to hum the exact same sound he did a while back. Just as the drop of blood fell on the floor, he opened his mouth. [color=9e0b0f]"Vell, vell, vell... It looks like zee beasts have awakened as vell! Vee can't be left behind now, can vee? Come on now, zee moon is still high and zee hunt has just began... Can you hear it calling for you? Zee beautiful song she sings? Don't you get a funny feeling inside you? Right now... i'm feeling hungry."[/color] Emmerich said, again humming that dreadful song and slowly reaching for something inside his cloak, putting it on his face. Getting his crossbow and standing up, he looked at the other men on the table. As he rised his head you saw the most unsettling and blood chilling grin stamped on a bone-white mask. With an unsettling laugh, he left to the tavern's door. The voice, the way he moved and held the weapon... They were all... wrong. Something definitely was happening with Emmerich. Even the feeling he passed to others was wrong... Opening the door, he looked at the woman just outside. [color=9e0b0f]"For Juniper's sake, put some spring into your step. After all... Zee hunt has just began."[/color] he said to the woman, looking at the moon as its light reflected on his weapon, illuminating his mask. [hr] [color=00aeef][center][h2]Shai[/h2][/center][/color] Interacting With:[@Ellion][@Noxx][@Rune_Alchemist][@Viciousmarrow] [color=7AEB16]“What are you doing in my forest?”[/color] [color=7AEB16]“This is my home, have you come to defile it?”[/color] Shai jumped, surprised with the voice. Just as she did, some the tarot cards stopped spinning and came floating to her hand. [color=00aeef]"I see... I don't know who you are, or why do you think the forest is just yours, but i wont just stay put and be poisoned without resisting like a good girl!"[/color] Shai said as her star globe began to spin and shine. A powerful magic shockwave could be felt by those sensitive to it. They also felt their link with the arcane energy be shaken, like if it was being strangled, only letting a small flow of arcane energy flowing to you. As it did, a woman came with a large battle axe in her hands. [color=#ffba00]“Don’t worry, girls, Madeline Crux, most revered of the Hunters, is here to save the day! This swine will taste the steel of my axe!”[/color] She turned to her, surprised by a human trying to defend her. Maybe she was trying to defend the white girl who sat down, still looking somewhat confused and lost with all that was happening. Yeah... Probably it was that. She surely hasn't seen her body... After all that she would try to attack her as well, "saving" the human from the terrible monster... [color=00aeef]"Protect me? Another human trying to protect me? Don't make me laugh! Protect me, a freak? A monster? I don't think you saw what I am... Please don't lie to me. Once you see me and know what I can do you will try to capture or kill me, saving the white girl from the bad monster! The girl that I foolishly got worried because she was laying down on the snow. Everything that I always received from humans after I showed them my appearance were looks of disdain, hate, greed, or even stones, arrows, blades and torches being waved at my direction!!"[/color] Shai shouted to the new arrival, shaking her head in denial. [color=00aeef]"I hate to fight... Always hated to hurt others... But the life thought me one thing: Humans will always hate and try to destroy what they don't understand. Even those who chose to embrace the arcane and learn with it, use it for the wrong purpose!"[/color] the hybrid girl said, speaking calmly, but somehow her voice was reaching the entire forest. [color=00aeef]"I was always hated and hunted. Stones, arrows, swords and bolts. My body has suffered uncountable wounds by these instruments. Who did them, you ask? IGNORANTS! FOOLS WHO DONT UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH BEHIND THE ARCANE! GREEDY AND FULL OF HATE! BY THESE GREEDY HANDS I'VE BEEN HURT MANY, MANY TIMES!"[/color] the girl shouted. Her already loud voice became even louder. [color=00aeef]"But even still... I cry... Even being mistreated, I still cry when you do it! I don't understand... All I want is someone to talk to and share stories, experiences... Even knowing the results, I still cry when I receive those hateful looks... Even those who came looking for me. Calling me a "spirit" they searched for me looking for a divination, and all I ever asked in return was the story of your life and a good conversation!"[/color] the hybrid girl said, as tears rolled down her beautiful white skin. She was obviously opening her heart. Her voice was full of sadness. [color=00aeef]"I'm just a fool, aren't I? Still harboring any hopes to find anyone that understands me... My greatest sin was being born. Born by the product of your own greed!"[/color] she said. Wiping her tears, the girl stood up with a decided look on her face. [color=00aeef]"This forest is my home. I don't care who comes here saying its theirs, this small part of the forest is my and my alone! You can even try to poison me or hurt me, but I wont move away from this place! If I keep running all my life, there will be a moment when I wont have any place to go to!"[/color] she said. With a movement of her hands, the star globe flew high above her head, the dices and tarot cards still spinning protecting her and the girl, the globe began to shine as bright as the sun. In an orb around her, covering everyone the ones who were nearby saw a halo coming out of the star globe, getting as big as the entire clearing and crashing down on the ground, scorching the grass below it, forming a ring on the ground. A wave of pressure came right after, taking the air out of your lungs for a brief second, after that you could feel the air filling your lungs again, a warm smell of flowers and spring filled your noses, as the time inside the ring appeared to advance quickly. Unaffected by this time shift, you could see the ice melting from the floor of the forest, the grass becoming green again and flowers coming out in just seconds. The hybrid girl knelt down for a moment, breathing heavily due to the amount of arcane energy that passed through her body in a very brief moment. [color=00aeef]"You humans created me as a product of your unending greed, and because you couldn't control or understand me, now you want to destroy me?"[/color] she asked, raising her head, her hat falling on the ground and showing her face, surrounded by tiny scales and her dragon like ears. The girl's expression was of a deep sorrow and sadness, as she fell on her knees, tired and crying. [color=00aeef][i]"I shouldn't have done this... I may actually die here... These people, all these strangers are too close from my barrier. I'm... afraid..."[/i][/color] she thought to herself, as she tried to stop crying and look strong and intimidating.