[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a2/ab/05/a2ab053fdf7a13c653c77683ace2cbf2.jpg[/img] [i]At the very end of the second millennium of the Imperial Calendar a great twin-tailed comet was sighted going towards the Imperial City of Ostermark. There was rejoicing, it was Sigmar's return! All flocked to the city, even some of the older races, usually skeptical came with curiosity. Those that were in the city feasted endlessly, many married, it was all one great party. Yet as the comet descended, it crashed with the earth rumbling from Naggaroth and Lustria to the World's Edge mountains and beyond. Nearly all within died instantly, the few that did not soon found strange rat men which of course are not real gnawing upon them; maddened by some strange stone. It was a tragedy, none could deny this but from all of the world soon forces flocked, eager for the plundering; to make money off of the death of others. Men squabbled in their greed, killing each other in droves for just small slivers of the shining mineral given the moniker "wyrdstone." Soon dark cults developed nearby, and attracted the Beastmen. Dwarf treasure hunters followed not long after, various businessmen set up shop profiting wondrously off of the great mercenary market and soon seeing all the scraps the Greenskins followed. Mordheim is now a warzone. You are part of one of the "warbands" who are seeking their fortunes. A motley crew to say the least you care little about who is beside you but the fact that they will help you lay your gold-lusting hands upon some of this wyrdstone. Even if you do have another motivation, nobody will believe that you are not a greedy little shite. So go and get some of thems shinies, ya hear?[/i] [hr] So there's the little blurb to get you in the mood. Now, for the technical stuff. [b]Characters:[/b] First off there needs to be a Warband leader. I would prefer it if the leader was from the wealthier Reikland and Hochland or from Ostermark, the province containing Mordheim. I will also be relatively accepting of the PC chosen for leader to be from Tilea/Estalia or maybe Bretonnia since the people from there are also relatively rich and can afford mercenaries. If you really want to be leader but want something else then tell me, I may consider it. I'd like there to be at least one non-human to spice things up. A Dwarf can most definitely be a Runesmith, Engineer or Ironbreaker and I am willing to consider a Ranger or Slayer. Any random Ogre will do as a merc, and a Glade Guard as a Wood Elf (once again if a specific WElves role is desired then tell me, I may accommodate). You can also be a High Elf formerly from the Elven quarter of the city seeking to get enough money to get back to Ulthuan, or you may be just arrived from Ulthuan looking for the $$$. Pretty much all but the Lothern Sea Guard and other permanent positions of the HElves will be accepted. If you really want a DElf then tell me, once again I might accommodate. If you have a halfling character that would be fucking amazing. [b]Combat:[/b] While I have not done HEMA I have done Sports fencing, reenactments and have read many old books on medieval armed combat, and a thing I really do like is some good descriptive fighting, and descriptions of weapons. I want to know if your Imperial Greatsword is with or sans ricasso, the shape of the Guard, with or without a flamberge, etc. I want you to tell me what kind of strike you go for, overhead, a stab, and what is your supposed destination. In a PvP if you have trouble describing a feint you can just tell me that a strike is a feint I guess, and will be there to moderate on whether or not someone fell for it. RACIAL ADVANTAGES ARE NOT MEANS FOR BS! As a Dwarf you can make a slightly stronger strike and maybe hope to damage an enemy's weapon with the force of your parry or as an Elf maybe you can dodge once or twice per battle but I really hate it when people abuse some sort of advantages of their race, especially since it makes playing a human boring and lack a lot of incentive. If you think you cannot fight well in melee then go for a brains/shooty role I guess. I'm not going to go insane with scrutiny but let's just get some better fighting than either the player steamrolling the NPCs or the NPCs steamrolling the players with "I chop his head off" or "they surprise buttsecks you, the end." You are mercs so you can bring some pretty decent gear. A Dwarf can undoubtedly have a runic or Gromril item, a human can have full plate and some high end weapons like Hochland long rifles or repeater guns etc. Magic users will be susceptible to the RNGesus of the warp but I will never kill a PC thanks to a dice roll. But be careful unless you want to end up with one more or less arms than you were born with. [hider=CS] [b]Name:[/b] Don't go mary sue but don't be uncreative. Look up historical naming traditions for humans, and by jove don't use a name generator. [b]Gender:[/b] Yes you can sexually identify as a Zhufbar 2000. I.C. Gyrobomber dreaming of dropping hot bombs on the men of Araby and the Southlands. [b]Age:[/b] Try to stick to more medieval/renaissance ages, for comparison imagine your character as being ten years older in the modern days than he is in here if an ordinary human. If a Runesmith or an Elf don't make them absurdly old like "Do you remember Grungi? Pepperidge farm remembers." [b]Appearance/Physical description:[/b] this will be used at least to some degree IC, it's not just to make your character super hot. [b]Practical Items:[/b] weapons, armour, gear, food, etc. Keep it updated as well and be very descriptive here. [b]Non-practical items:[/b] be it your personal Dammaz Kron or your pendant of Sigmar, add some personal stuff and trinkets. If you have nothing of this sort say why. [b]Bio:[/b] 2-6 paragraphs. Anything more I shan't read. [b]Personality:[/b] Self explanatory, more than one sentence please. If you want to keep anything hidden from the other players to be "mysterious" we can discuss it in PMs. [/hider] [hider=The Hut] The Hut is the colloquial name of the compound where you have your lodgings. It is your "home base" so to speak with beds to give you respite, a smithy, a connection to the the docks for new arrivals and for shipping off the acquired Wyrdstone. You are not the only one present, for the owner of the establishment - a rich Ostermarker known only as Johannes - has several competing warbands working for him. This complex used to be of the Witch Hunters until the comet fell and all within died. Of course while the place has been made "nicer" with working girls and barrels of ale one can still find some old bones, documents or other displays of the order's work. As of now your quarters are just a series of cells although one can always make it fancier provided they have the coin for Johannes to do so. [/hider] Oh, and you can be completely new to WHFB I guess, a quick crash-course will be given and maybe you'll be interested. Well, I hope folks join! [@DepressedSoviet][@CaptainBritton][@cunfuzzler][@mifune][@Bright_Ops][@POOHEAD189][@Countess]