[center][b]Name:[/b] Jackson Sloane [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://avvesione.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/samurai_flamenco-01-goto-police_officer-patrol-hat-rational-justice.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 23[/center] [b]Personality:[/b] Jackson is a pretty relaxed guy when you first get to know him. He’s caring and always ready to protect, fighting for what’s right. He’s easy to befriend, and once you get to know him, he’s more outgoing and silly. Jackson is known to have a fairly welcoming personality and gets along with just about everyone. When necessary, mainly for business, he is also able to charm and smooth talk his way into getting information. Versatile, Adaptable, Cunning, happy go lucky [b]History:[/b] Jackson joined the force around the same time Ty did. His childhood was filled with aspirations to be a police officer. Not because his family had done it, but more so because he thought it was fun and he’d enjoy the thrill. Jackson was taught that strict rule of ‘no one is immortal’ and he’s lived by it ever since. His first ever encounter with a ‘Cursed One’ was when he was mugged as a teen in school- that was probably spark that lit his fire into becoming not only a police officer, but a member of the Hunter Squad. When he joined, he tried his best to stay at the top of the class, only to be half a step behind Ty. Unlike most who swelled with jealousy, he was filled with admiration. He was determined to get as good as she was and surpass her- and over the years they worked together he realized that maybe it was less of an admiration and was more of an affection towards her. He was very good at hiding it for the most part, trying to keep his professional and personal life separate but… let’s see how that turns out? [b]Affiliation:[/b] Hunter Task Force - Member No Mercy Squad - Leader