[center] [color=4BE2A3][h3]Naija[/h3][/color] [color=4BE2A3]Lvl[/color]: 1 [color=4BE2A3]Day[/color]: 1 [color=4BE2A3]Location[/color]: Tetris Castle Foyer - Tetris Castle Reception [color=4BE2A3]Speaking with[/color]: [color=4BE2A3]Mentions[/color]: The council [@Holy Soldier],Quina Quen[@Hylozoist], Ezio [@Loki Odinson], Garrett[@Simple Unicycle], Samus Aran[@Lmpkio] [/center] Naija decided it was probably not a good Idea to drag here cape through the muck if she could avoid it so taking a note from Ezio’s book decided to make use of the rafters to get to the council room. As he and Quina set of she excused herself from Garrett’s company. Then she hopped up against the wall then hopping between it and one of the pillars Ezio had climbed up till she was up in the rafters. She then proceeded to hop from pillar to pillar, board to board, all across the room before landing at the entrance of the room with a slightly damp thud. She rather proudly hops into the room, still lightly dripping the seawater before hopping into a chair next to Quina and examining the room. She assumed the people who had not been in the banquet hall where with guile in organising the endeavor, 5 human individuals all paling in comparison to the massive gold armor wearing, blue skinned individual with no mouth. There was also the peculiar rotating square in the middle of the room which Quina was clearly enthusiastic about. Was it decorative? Who where these important seeming people? Where even was she? At some point after this meeting she was going to need to find someone who knew and was willing to be bombarded by questions. She fidgeted, restless and wanting answers but the orange armored individual had already asked why they were here before she sat down, so she had nothing to do but wait, presumably for everyone else to enter and take their seats as well.