[b][center]A M E L I A[/center][/b] Amelia looked at Taylor. At his blushing cheeks and nervous attitude and felt...[i]no[/i]. She shook her thoughts away and focused on the task at hand. "You're from 2004 right? Computer major? So you must know all the programming language back then. I need to use your knowledge to take down the robots that are controlling Neotech. I need you." Amelia passed back the laptop to him and let him look at a Nikopedia page about Neotech and it's robots, hoping that the small explanation would be enough. She yawned once again. "You can do whatever, you know...cruise around the net or whatnot. I'm tired so, I'm probably going to get some rest." She told Taylor and snuggled down on her side of the couch. For some reason she didn't want to leave him by himself because: 1. Maybe he would poke around the apartment and that was not good. 2. Maybe she just needed the feel of an actual human being next to her for once. Plus he was undeniably cute, so there was that fact too. She looked at Taylor once more, taking in his appearance and the worried look in his eyes before closing her own and drifting off into a dreamless sleep. [@Riverbeak]