[hr][hr][center][h2][color=00ffbb]Lawrence B. Ellison[/color][/h2] [img]http://i67.tinypic.com/zkl46a.png[/img] Magic is flying, Lawrence is crying, Zhang is sighing and people are dying too.[/center][hr][hr] "[i][color=00ffbb]Fuck...[/color][/i]" [i]Familiarity. It surprised him how much he still hated this sensation, hated[/i] magic[i]. He was walking along a barren wasteland, a place he had visited once before. It was shrouded in darkness, with no sun or moon or stars above him, yet he could see every detail of the landscape. Instinctively he knew what it was, even without having been there in his life. The ocean. Or rather, the ocean floor, devoid of any water, or life. Still, it wasn't as if it had vanished entirely. He felt it, above him, a vast and terrifying [/i]ocean[i] in the sky, ever present but out of sight. However, it was not the sea but rather something incomprehensible, and powerful beyond imagination. From above, a bit of that [/i]ocean[i] dripped into him, joining with the current of his existence. Not as if [/i]power[i] had slipped into him, but as if [/i]Lawrence[i] had joined more of himself. It was a weak current that flowed through him, especially compared to the power that was forever out of reach, and having to deal with an even larger volume of it disgusted him beyond compare. Before he could ponder if it was the magic or his being that disgusted him, Lawrence was pulled back into reality once more.[/i] "[i][color=00ffbb]... Off[/color][/i]" As he snapped back to the current situation, watching the Eyepion freak out at his assault on its' mind, Lawrence resumed his battle against his own mind. Trying to keep up the negativity that was threatening to overwhelm him, although that couldn't prevent a small twinge of satisfaction from seeping through as the Eyepion crushed that annoying witch. As it bolted away he began working to reason away his emotions once more. It would soon run out of the range of his power, so he didn't bother dropping it. Instead he focused on moving towards the fallen Christmas, his number one priority so far in the battle. Still, pushing bad thoughts out of one's mind was much harder than letting them settle in. The Eyepion was currently heading towards Blue team. What if his actions led to one of their deaths? What if these dolls managed to kill one of [i]his[/i] team members while he had been focusing on the wrong target? As he drew closer to Christmas, unloaded shotgun feeling as if it weighed far more than it did at the beginning of the battle, the severity of the dolls as a threat became even more apparent. The glitter bombs from earlier had shredded everybody badly enough, this netting though had absolutely [i]mutilated[/i] the boy's leg. As he saw the mess of blood he was gripped by the overwhelming feeling that things were spiraling out of control. "[color=f7976a]You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.[/color]" As the words entered his mind, a fortress of reason to combat his overwhelming loathing and panic, he felt the Eyepion hit the edge of his range, and he switched off his power once more. Right now, he didn't need it. In front of him was an injured Christmas, and it was time to let his experience helping the wounded in previous battles find some use. Knowledge was strength. Experience was strength. Magic was a crutch, and he cast it aside for a moment to be of some practical use once more. Kneeling beside the boy, he didn't fight the relief that a cursory examination of the limb revealed that the femoral artery had [i]not[/i] been severed yet, although it was hard to tell with so much blood. Taking his sleeve between his teeth- and grateful the structure had already been weakened by the previous blades of glitter- he tore the right sleeve on his shirt and got to work wrapping it around the boy's leg, just above where the netting ended. "[color=00ffbb]No time to be gentle, you can bitch at me later.[/color]" Was his only warning before tightening it into a makeshift tourniquet. He felt a bit of guilt at hurting the kid, but he'd have to get used to these unusual sensations until he was back in control of his emotions. A tourniquet wasn't exactly the best solution to the problem at hand, especially if they were going to stay in the field for an extended period of time, but there was a lot of blood loss even with the femoral artery intact. That, and he didn't have time to try and remove the mess of netting from the boy's leg. A battlefield was filled with quick and messy solutions, living injured was a lot better than dying in perfect health. He hoped Christmas could appreciate that as he ripped off his second sleeve and began tying it around the leg as well, for extra security.