[@DriveEMOut][@Rusalka] [h3]Katsumura Reiko[/h3][hr] Reiko finished eating the honeyed foods and watch was the two men who'd only been in the manor momentarily left without a wood or a goodbye. The familiar voice echoed within her [color=orange]"We didn't talk to the mistress."[/color]. Reiko put down her fork on her empty plate sullenly before getting up. Her white hair glistened under the light of the crystal chandelier in the dining hall as she approached the two others still chatting in the hall, Evelyn and Aaren she thought their names where. [color=orange] "If you two are going to be exploring, mind if I tag along?" [/color] she smiled, more at Aaren then at Evelyn, the heat of throwing an éclair at her still surrounded her aura when she stood near her. [hr] [h3]Cicero Monacelli[/h3][hr] Cicero woke up after his nap in a large ornate bedroom. He was wearing soft clothes and seemed to be bathed, though he couldn't remember how he got there, only that he felt much better then he had when he first entered the manor. He climbed out of bed and explored the room some. There was a large dresser in the room and when pulling open the drawers found clothes, new and his size inside. Cicero scratched his head, [color=orange]"Am I still dreaming?"[/color] he thought to himself. He found his way to the bedroom door and opened it. The hall was lit and vibrant, the carpet seemed new and sharp though the designs on it seemed from another time. The walls were well manicured with exquisite paintings and tapestries. His little feet shuffled down the hall until he reached the entryway staircase. One step at a time he descended the stairs and still heard voices coming from the dining hall. He quickly ran down a hall on the first floor, not wanting to be forced to interact with strangers again, he wound down hallway and hallway until he realized he was lost. Soon in his wondering, the aroma of chamomile and the sound of humming. He made his way towards the sound where he found himself before a large door. Will all his strength he pushed it open, the door opening swiftly and without warning. He slipped, trying to catch his balance when he fall face first into the large warm pool-like bath right onto the bare chest of Claudia. [@Oliver][@Silverlight138]