[center]T A Y L O R[/center] Taylor nodded to her reply, as he took the laptop. He didn't speak much, as he got distracted by the laptop. His fingers tapped over the flat keyboard, almost silently, he overheard Amelia move around and eventually drift off to her sleep. Taylor took a proper look at her. She was beautiful in her own way, and he couldn't help but feel the need to do something. Protect her almost-- Taylor looked away, before his thoughts became rather unpleasant for his junk. Taylor retreated to the laptop's screen as he began to look around the different programs that laid on the laptop's desktop. He clicked some open, but had to close them again - not understanding a single thing from what even stood there. It was like telling him to read up from a Russian dictionary, when he was fluent in British English. Taylor eventually shut the computer down, placed it on the floor as he yawned. Taylor stood up, before he took off his hoodie and plaid shirt, and laid them on the floor as a pillow. His long arms stretched over his head, as he kicked off his shoes, and crawled onto the floor - leaving the couch for Amelia. He grabbed the thin blanket and forced himself to fall asleep after an hour of trying. [@ineffable]