[b][center]A M E L I A[/center][/b] Amelia walked back to see Taylor pulling on his shirt and observed his...physical structure. Not a lot of muscle but still...a living, breathing boy in her living room! She startled awake out of her thoughts by his voice and she responded, almost shyly (which was quite uncommon for her) "I'm right here, Taylor." She walked over to him and sank back down on the couch. Her phone was still grasped tightly in her hands and she discreetly wrote a text to Amber who had been one of her miss calls. [quote]Hey, Amber. Sorry I couldn't pick up. What's up? - Amelia[/quote] Her phone buzzed an instant later with a response and she checked it with lowered eyes. [quote]Oh, Just wanted to know if u were okay...the alcohol last night remember? u hungover? - Amber[/quote] [quote]i'm fine, not that hungover. thx for the concern. i g2g now so :) - Amelia[/quote] She placed her phone back down and took a good look at Tyler. "Tell me about yourself." She said, smiling. [i]Ugh, what is it with you today? Just one boy, Mel. ONE BOY.[/i] [@Riverbeak]