"I think we both might do well with a low profile." The High Elf said with a thoughtful tone as he eyed them. "The Mage District is in so much chaos that nothing short of an invasion could have make it any worse. Whilst we are probably going have to deal with the civil aspect of this mess at one point, right now I do not have any plans of explaining myself." Sharon nodded, suddenly getting an idea. "And Friedrick could probably forge an alibi for me that I was on vacation when it happened, starting yesterday. As for who'll catch the blame well... " Sharon chuckled for a moment. "There just so happens to be a building sized giant demon currently running loose in the Mage District. Putting the blame on her should be relatively easy. I don't think she'll be testifying in any court any time soon. Though it might be more difficult to excuse the Captain... " Whilst Sharon was pondering on what to do with the Captain, they were suddenly approached by Vashi. Sharon eyed the Night Elven magi and the way she toyed with her hair, but a hesitation fell upon the High Elf's face. "I don't think neither a Night Elf or a Draenei would be that low key at the moment... especially considering that there was a giant Night Elf and giant Draenei just duking it out over in my back yard." Raising an eye and a smile at Liaena, he nodded at her. "Any disguise might work for you if we simply fix the story that you got blown up in a blast. I don't think it'd be hard to sell." Pausing, Sharon took a moment and considered the options. Magic was dangerous to use. Both the local guard & Sherpa's men were no strangers to the ways of magic, whether it be to disguise himself or teleport. It was possible, but would be risky. If Rithrynn was here, going completely off the radar would probably be very easy. Although it would have been a method he'd not be too fond of, and he doubted Liaena would like it any more than he would. Then, of course, was the very fact that Rithrynn was in a very difficult place to reach right now, rendering said option even more problematic! There was also the option of the transmogrify potion, but who to pose as? "I'm open for suggestions... as long as they are above average level of attractiveness." Sharon eventually conceded, doubting that Liaena would accept a simple glasses and mustachio costume. "Ohhh, are you SURE you don't want to buy one of my random bags of goodies?! 10 random potions for just one third of the price! Some of my sis Mipsy's leftovers!" Gimpsy's voice suddenly sounded throughout the workshop, closely followed by a tremendous crash from behind the shop as it sounded as if the gnome had just initiated an avalanche of junk in the storage room!