[center]T A Y L O R[/center] Taylor looked straight at Amelia, and placed a goofy smile on his lips. "Thought for a second, you left me for dead - which, by the way, is not a wish I would like to do at the age of 25." he rambled, stomach growling again. He found his hoodie, but threw it around his hips instead. He tied it lightly, before he carefully joined Amelia on the couch. He pointed at the cereal on the side table, and looked at her with a curious gaze. "I'll tell you a bit about myself, if you tell me this is for me, because I am hungry like a starved dog." he rambled, eyes flickering down to her lips for just a minimum of a second before they retreated into her dark green eyes. [i]Stop, don't do anything stupid,[/i] his mind told him quickly as Taylor's stomach growled again. He looked away with a slight embarrassing look on his face. [@ineffable]