[b][center]A M E L I A[/center][/b] She literally melted the second that smile hit her eyes. His tummy rumbled and she let out a tiny snort/giggle. [i]Way to be embarrassing. Impressing him with your piggish antics.[/i] "Yeah, it's for you...hope you know what cereal is." She joked. When his eyes flickered down to her lips she could feel a blush rising up her cheeks. She handed him the cereal, got up to get him a glass of water and sat back down again. Her arm was touching his shoulder and she felt his heat burn through her like an accusatory glare. She was supposed to be doing her work, not crushing like a middle schooler. But she couldn't help that her gaze flitted to his own inviting lips or that she held his eye contact longer than usual. She shifted a bit closer. [@Riverbeak]