[@Aewin][@Pudding][@Melo][@Ellion] Status update for all members in the thread so far (I'm including Ellion because they've said they're working on a CS): [list][*] Based on a problem mentioned in my last post here, I'll be changing the way music is linked to this thread. From now on, all YouTube videos linked on this thread must be done so by using the [code][url][/url][/code] BBCode instead of the [code][youtube][/youtube][/code] BBCode. in order to prevent the issues mentioned previously. This will remain the default rule unless someone can provide me a solution to the browser/PC problems caused by excessive gifs/YouTube videos being uploaded to a page on this site. Information for how I want these links to be presented is available in the now updated CS code/tutorial. [b]Those of you who already have YouTube links uploaded due to putting a 'Theme Music' in your CS are expected to edit both the one in the character tab [i]and[/i] in the original CS you posted up for acceptance, so both pages will load better.[/b] I honestly don't think the convenience of being able to just click on the video instead of opening up another tab to listen to it makes up for the inconveniences caused.[/list] [list][*] Unless someone can give me a good reason not to, I'm changing the 'Trivia' category to the 'Notes' category, because a lot of the information that's being listed in 'Trivia' by both myself and by you guys doesn't really count as trivial and 'Notes' is a more broad title. [b]Once again, those who've had characters accepted so far need to edit both the original CS you posted and the one in the character tab.[/b][/list] [list][*] As of this point onward, anyone who is actually interested in being the murderer is free to ask me. This option will remain open until such a time as I choose a murderer manually and confirm that I've chosen the murderer in the thread, which likely won't happen until we have a full cast and might not happen until the first murder happens. I'm offering this to people because if someone actually thinks they'll have more fun playing the murderer then I'd rather they do it instead of someone who I'm forcing the role on. I intend to regularly update the group about this particular point so that more people who register know this option is available too. If no one requests to be the murderer by the time things get rolling, I'll select someone. [b]Don't actually say whether you want to be the murderer or not in this thread, for obvious reasons. Keep discussion about the murderer strictly in a PM sent to me, and don't use your character's 'Private CS' PM thread to do it.[/b][/list] [list][*] Due to a little bit of member feedback, in the near future the IC will be open for those interested in starting the role-play early. The events written in the IC will involve the characters prior to reaching the estate and also their actions upon arrival. The official role-play can't commence until all members are registered, but I don't see a reason why some of you can't arrive a little early. [b]No one is to post in the IC tab until I've created the opening post.[/b] Also, if anyone would prefer the role-play start slightly earlier than 'April 14, 2012 A.D.' then they should ask me in the OOC here and give their suggested date (including why).[/list] [list][*] [b]Lucifer Van Bonaparte[/b]'s CS has been included (though remains incomplete until I settle on the CS format for NPCs and decide if it's the same as regular characters) into the 'NPCs' section of the character tab.[/list]