[@FinDragon][@Hank][@DepressedSoviet][@Dead Cruiser][@Andreyich][@MonkeyBusiness][@Switch][@DracoLunaris] Right, feel like I need to say a few things 'afore we get this RP on the road. First, I'd like everyone to get their character sheets to me by the New Year AKA 1st of January - if I get them all before that, then so be it. Second, I'd like good RPing of Astartes - not just [i]hurr durr[/i] kill things. That IS sort of the point of Deathwatch, but interesting characterisation and interaction can also be had among decent/considerate players. I'm well aware that we are bio-engineered killing machines, but - as anyone who has ever read Dan Abnett's [i]Brothers of the Snake[/i] can attest to - there is more to them than that...but only if players use their own imagination and initiative; [b]I[/b] can give you the tools, as GM, but it is [b]up to the players[/b] to use your own minds. What would a member of a certain Chapter do in certain situations? How would he react to something? Solve a situation? Would he be fine with killing civilians etc? Just use your heads before posting that you're stuck, and without asking me for suggestions, that's all I ask. Thirdly, this is the main page for the Deathwatch: http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Deathwatch And this is the one for Astartes: http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Space_Marines This may also help, especially the lower sections: https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Deathwatch_(RPG) Please read them both, I'm not asking for everyone to be experts in 40k lore, or even Marine lore, but if you know nothing about Marines and simply like them for the coolness factor (which is fine in itself) then you're going to have a hard time with this RP. The Deathwatch are a specific group of specific marines with specific stuff to do. If you've no idea about them, then there's no point you joining. That is my rant now over, if you've got any questions then feel free to ask. EDIT: Forgot to mention, 'speciality' on the Character Sheet means 'role' really I.E. Tactical Marine, Assault etc...rather than demolition expert, specialises in reading books, etc.